Don't tell me so — lest I should say something disparaging to your judgment.
I should say so. I was wearing a heavy coat. I think that saved me from having broken arm.
Smith: Oh, so many new products, I should say some of them could be found in the market in my country.
I should say so, he could assure me, if I only knew about a twentieth part of what had come in his way.
So eventually, people tried to improve on Les Paul's model, well, to modify it I should say.
If my mistress and all her friends can laugh at what I say, so may you too, I should think.
So especially wish not to hear people say: “Mo Rubing said what what what” “He what what what” things like that, but rather: “I should what what.”
所以不想听到有人尤其是浏览后得出:“莫如冰如何如何” “他如何如何”的字眼,而应该是:“我如何如何。”
We should say, "I'd rather find peace of mind, and be able to relax, and really enjoy life, than allow it to pass me by just so I can be 'productive' and show everyone how important I am."
I have two databases and I'm sharding by distance, so when I create a marathon (which is greater than 10 miles), say, that Race instance should be found in shard 1.
So new money, or I should say new "virtual money" because it only "materializes" in bank-accounting-book entries, is constantly created through this process of artificial credit expansion.
My view is that everyone should be free to say whatever they want. I have never asked for a comment to be removed, nor will I do so.
Their inner voice will say: "Why should I hire and produce if no one else is doing so?"
And this is what linguists do for a living so if you hear me talking about this and say, "I want to spend the next forty years of my life studying that," you should become a linguist.
So, yes, and I should say, of course you can also use the gradient and other things like approximation formulas and so on and so far, it's just notation.
While none of this stuff is exactly bland, the closure techniques (or should I say recipes) you'll learn this month are definitely a little more spicy than what you've tried so far.
So, I should say, I've seen a lecture where, actually, the professor had a volunteer on a unicycle to demonstrate how that works.
So far I would say that version 0.1 (my original proposal and first release) should happens during the next summer.
Sometimes, I even knew their own right, ritual and should not be stretched to say the tone so high.
So when people ask me why we should cooperate with China on clean energy initiatives, I say it's very simple.
Orson Welles I should say the Orson Welles character has also faked his death, so no one except his immediate conspirators knows he's still alive.
You said George was honest. If so, I had misjudged him, and I should say apology.
I should mention that recipe 5.9, "Inverting a hash," can also be done with my Tie: : hash: : TwoWay CPAN module, which does a lot more than what the recipe shows (if I do say so myself!)
So "Zeng Yike" should be in dispute. I can't say 'like her' or 'hate her' absolutely.
I should say, turn to the dramatic field. You have so much sympathy and such a melodious voice. Make them valuable to others. It will make your powers endure.
Ultimately, i want to say that no matter to be an failure and triumph that are all the precious treasure so that we should correctly face up to failure and to accomplish a better success.
Now, what I want to say is that now that our foreign friends are so worried about the people in the typhoon-stricken areas, we should do what we can to support those who are in great need of our help.
So I wish to take this opportunity to say something about how we should look at the Chinese economy and what we intend to do in China to ensure continued growth.
So I wish to take this opportunity to say something about how we should look at the Chinese economy and what we intend to do in China to ensure continued growth.