Intimate lover: you peace? Would like to send I miss distance. Continuous love and concern, the thick cordiality and wish. Sincerely bless you, happy New Year!
When you feel that the outside world is very exciting, I will be here to sincerely bless you.
The rain had completely drenched me and my soul when you appeared. Thanks to you I was able to reach my dying husband just in time. God bless you for having helped me. Sincerely, Mrs. King Cole.
在您出现之前,我浑身湿透,几乎 要绝望了。因为您的帮忙,我才及时赶去见了我丈夫最后一面。谢谢 并愿上帝保佑您!金· 科尔太太。
The rain had completely drenched me and my soul when you appeared. Thanks to you I was able to reach my dying husband just in time. God bless you for having helped me. Sincerely, Mrs. King Cole.
在您出现之前,我浑身湿透,几乎 要绝望了。因为您的帮忙,我才及时赶去见了我丈夫最后一面。谢谢 并愿上帝保佑您!金· 科尔太太。