It was not a time and place for coroners and newspapers, and I suppose it was agreed that he had died from natural causes or I should have been told, and should remember.
The next line says alright, suppose I don't, I'm not at the last element.
Suppose I have a liquid - which has very, very fine, small particles in it — extremely small, so small and so light that they will not sink to the bottom.
Today's debt crisis is the product of what I suppose you might call inside factors: the promises we've made to seniors in the 20th century that we're not prepared to pay in the 21st century.
I suppose it’s a comfort that there are plenty of users who have not had the chance to experience this problem, because their wifi doesn’t work in the first place.
I see a yellow billiard ball moving towards a red one, I suppose that when they touch the red one will move but that it will move is not a relation of ideas.
However, I did not hear above one word in ten, for I was thinking, you may suppose, of my dear Wickham.
I'm not talking plastic surgery, I suppose it's an option, but again it's obvious, and risky.
The lesson of the strory, I suppose, is that instead of making dozen excuses why you can not realize your dreams, think about this story, just hold to your dream and never give up.
I must not write to her, I suppose, and my brother is either too angry or too distressed to answer what I sent him.
They were shipped as individuals, which was an advantage. It's not worth turning the gas on for one Jew, I suppose.
Rabin sighed, and in his deep, world-weary voice, said, I suppose one does not make peace with ones friends.
I volunteer not so much to help others, but to gain some perspective about my own life. But in the end, I suppose I accomplish both.
'Not really,' sighed Debbie 'but I suppose you're going to tell me anyway.
The HOST: And I suppose it becomes visible not really to us the user but to somebody who might steal it, to a thief.
Unless the elder brother is very sickly, I suppose you would not ask above fifty thousand pounds.
I suppose I'm old enough that to me 'professional manner' still equals a sense of some sort of formality-i'm not saying this is good or bad, it just is.
I call the second argument "the argument from recycling" — not the best label I suppose, but I've never been able to come up with a better one.
I don't suppose I am vain. When you're a short fat old man with a bald head, there's not a lot to get vain about.
I suppose people who do not eat garlic and Onions feel the same way about the odour of people who do.
I suppose what I learnt here is that going public improves the benefits of your work generally, though not always to yourself.
This feature is a little strange, and I'm not entirely sure how often a person would use it in its current implementation, but I suppose it could come in handy.
If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written.
If that's not the case, I suppose I'll sit down on Monday with the club and see where I can go after that.
Do you suppose that there will be somebody in heaven that will say, “Lord, I do not have time to come on Sabbath? I am in the middle of a project, and You are going to have to wait till next week”?
Miss Woodhouse, believe me I have not the presumption to suppose - Indeed I am not so mad.
I suppose it's only fair to mention at this point, that not everyone liked our decisions to get rid of these "barnacles."
I suppose it's only fair to mention at this point, that not everyone liked our decisions to get rid of these "barnacles."