That's not the worse situation, when I take a nap in the afternoon, the machines are still working, I can't sleep.
Steven: Before the baby was born, I used to work all day without feeling sleepy. I didn't use to take a nap at lunchtime.
When it was time for the babies to go take their afternoon nap they went into hysterics and screamed and cried for about an hour, making sure that I had a steady and irritating headache.
It's a luxury not everyone can afford, but even when I had a day job I would find ways to sneak into a back room and take a power nap of 20 minutes.
But for the most part, I just want to do a few things each day, and then take a nap.
Could you help me adjust my seat, I would like to lie back and take a nap.
Could you help me adjust my seat, I would like to lie back and take a nap.
Could you help me adjust my seat? I would like to lie back and take a nap.
I feel tired and would like to take a nap. In the meantime, you may do some reading.
Could you help me adjust my seat? I would like to lie back and take a nap.
Today, I took a nap on the couch in the family room. My brother thought it would be hilarious to take clear packaging tape and put it on my chapped lips. Then rip it off.
I was a naughty girl in the kindergarten and did not like to take nap after lunch, and always kept talking to myself when lying in the bed.
After lunch, I asked Anyuan to take a nap and have a rest somewhere at the corner after putting things in order.
He added: 'My mother is a very shy person. She would lock me in my room after lunch so that I could take a nap, but I would quietly sneak out to play with my friends.
The train isn't away for an hour; meanwhile, I am going to take a nap.
I don't know what's the matter. I need to take a nap to refresh myself.
Today, I decided I'd take a nap in my car because I got to work very early. As I was waking up from my nap, I saw a cop looking right at me.
Thiss adjustable seat is so comfortable that I may take a nap before climbing the Great Wall.
But I suppose I'll sleep a little this morning. Then this afternoon I'll take a short nap and later on I'll try to get some more sleep.
I used to work all day without feeling sleepy. I didn't use to take a nap at lunchtime.
The guide kept jabbering on and on. How was I ever gonna be able to take a nap?
I later learned, mother a night without sleep, always help me temperature, it was not until my fever is gone to take a nap, immediately up to do breakfast for me.
Could you help me adjust my seat, I would like to lie back and take a nap.
If I wake up at 4 a. m. and can't sleep, I no longer beat myself up. I just turn on my computer and enjoy some uninterrupted work time, then take a mid-morning nap before heading into the office.
This adjustable seat is so comfortable that I may take a nap before climbing the Great Wall.
This adjustable seat is so comfortable that I may take a nap before climbing the Great Wall.