I think that depends on their plans and ambitions.
What I think probably is worth observing, though, is that it depends what level of experience you have as to which type of book you like (or should be recommended).
"I think that F.D.A. 's credibility really depends on being able to explain its decisions well," said Dr. Joshua Sharfstein, F.D.A.' s principal deputy commissioner.
It all depends on an evaluation of future growth prospects, but I think that there is a misconception in the blogosphere that Facebook is not generating much revenue.
I am trying to use the KISS law (keep it stupid simple) and think that when you need to choose something and it depends on your or somebody else's opinion - mistakes can take place.
I think the basic reason is that the promoting action of economy from human capital more depends on the structure of human capital than the intellectual quality and quantity.
I think that the future of our cities (which I'm going to talk about), the future of our companies really depends on a brand new approach to the automobile.
I think that the future of our cities (which I'm going to talk about), the future of our companies really depends on a brand new approach to the automobile.