The lazy girl answered, "Do you think I am going to dirty my hands for you?"
If I were to promise you a holiday on the thirtieth of the month after next, do you think you would forget the date?
I do, however, think that you will find some examples that resonate with your experience and lead you to thoughtful consideration.
"I do think if you can do this work in Houston, then you can do it anywhere, " Spanjian says.
Not that I know exactly what you should do, but I think what you should not do is have a class and just enumerate the 23 patterns.
I can set some high goals. God says, "My son, you think up the greatest thing you think I could do in your life and I can beat that.
Interpretation of divergence. You can think of it, you know, what do I want to say first?
I was thinking, you weird American, what do you think you can help the country by not going to the work!
I think that what you have to do is make it clear to your tribe and to yourself what you stand for, and do that.
And actually on terms of the dollar, I think you gotta be concerned about the dollar. -you do dollar is our currency.
In the case of spam, I think it's a great illustration, where you try to do one thing, and you push that to another country.
I should know: you don't think little Diego made that call without his Aunt Kathrin's help, do you?
"I think a litmus test is when you... Ask a direct question about 'do you believe this, do you believe that,'" White House press secretary Robert Gibbs said.
I don't think it's optimal for society in any way that when you do a search, you just get content from people who don't care.
"I love doing action and I think that when you like what you do, it's contagious and hopefully people will like it too," she said.
"I don't have time to do this," you think. So you tap "agree" without reading a word. No big deal, right?
After leaving Ms. S's class, I told her, "Don't think that you can use the principal to do what ever the hell you want to do.
在我离开斯小姐的教室时,我曾对她说:“别以为借用校长的手就可以为所欲为。 记得《终极者》的电影里,阿诺-施瓦辛格那句著名的台词是什么?
I do not think of you as a "Dog on two feet" - I know what you are.You are human, in all of your quirkiness, and I love you still.
I bring this up in a long winded way because I think the most important thing you can do in 2011 is forgive someone who you feel has wronged or hurt you.
I do not think of you as a "Dog on two feet" - I know what you are. You are human, in all of your quirkiness, and I love you still.
When you are dealing with a customer, I think you should be fair with them about when are you... yes we can just do this.
I think as long as what you want to do is legal, won't harm anyone and is what you want to do, you should go for it.
Jane: What do I think of him? You know him better than I do, don \ 't you?
Just when I think you couldn't be more romantic, you do something so amazing.
Sarah:First of all, I want you to know that I’m really enjoying working for our company. What do you think of my job here?
I think before you take someone there (to the ICC), to put his name on the spot to say everyone this guy is a criminal, I think before to do that you have to be careful.
If you think you are, it's easy to do, but I didn't see that as a necessary topic in this article.
If you think you are, it's easy to do, but I didn't see that as a necessary topic in this article.