I thought about it for a minute, then answered, "Dennis Quaid."
The more I thought about it, however, the more glaring an omission it seemed.
When asked to do this blog, I thought about it and thought about it and said no.
But then I thought about it some more and realized that they aren't exactly the same.
Yeah not only have I thought about it but also I have asked many friends' opinions.
"It was kind of a scary decision, so I thought about it for a few days," Hodes recalls.
I thought about it a little bit and said, 'Know what? I'm gonna just dip my wheels in gold.'
Then I thought about it a bit, and went, 'It's Oliver Stone, it's Wall Street, I'm not saying no.
When I thought about it more, I realized that this model became very powerful if it is inverted as well.
I thought about it for a minute and said, "Yes, I suppose C is the Beatles of programming languages."
Having motivated me to go to NYU and become a film-maker, I thought about it every day until I got there.
And I thought about it. And I came up with one. And I've been doing it for the last year, and it's great.
To this I answer, "Yes, I must", for if they didn't affect the food itself, they affected the way I thought about it.
Though the more I thought about it, the more I saw that the clues had been everywhere and I had chosen to ignore them.
But the more I thought about it, the more I realized that the lack of features is actually a positive, not a negative.
I thought about it alot. I made this decision by myself in my little corner, with the support of my family, off course.
"It's funny you should mention that," he laughs. "I thought about it when I was last in New Zealand, hiking up a mountain."
I had to admit, as I thought about it, that if she had given similar advice to me, my unspoken reaction would have been about the same.
In fact, as I thought about it, I wondered if having two books of optical illusions might, in fact, dim her pleasure in the first book.
And when I thought about it in those days, which wasn't too often, I thought this was the worst of them all, the draftiest and the dreariest.
I thought about it carefully, weighing the merits of each appliance, and finally decided that the refrigerator was the one I really couldn't do without.
She put pink and green stripes in her hair and looked rather like a Neapolitan ice cream. I couldn't keep a straight face when she asked me what I thought about it.
She put pink and green stripes in her hair and looked rather like a Neapolitan ice cream. I couldn't keep a straight face when she asked me what I thought about it.