I told her about him climbing up the drainpipe.
I told her about a woven Guatemalan bracelet a friend had given me for this occasion.
When Grandma took the hot cakes from the oven, I told her about the candy.
I told her about my schooling and growing up.
Met him pike hoses she called it till I told her about the transmigration.
Finally I told her about my affair with Mary Ann, to try and scare her away.
When I first started seeing Elizabeth, at 21, I told her about Sally but not Don.
I forced myself to struggle with Telugu. I asked her about her life. I told her about mine.
I told her about Homer, Cicero, and Hemingway's story about the old man and his battle with the fish and the sea.
We were happy the way children are who have been separated and are together again and I told her about the trip.
As we walked alongside each other, she listened intently as I told her about you, about us, about the wonderful times we Shared.
I told her about the apartment and the job I had found for her, about the cultural and social programs available in that part of the city, about the public library.
Having thought for a few minutes about where to start, I told her all the story of my sad childhood.
And each time I saw her, she told me about how muchall of it had helped.
After the conversation ended, I called Hillary and told her about it.
When I had asked her about hers, and she had told me it was the twenty-first of October, she hadn't asked me when mine was.
I told her I was busy thinking about what my alternatives and options were for the next couple of days, and was trying to think of how I might maximize my found time in London.
We comped her dinner, and I sat with her through dessert while she told me about her kids.
I asked about her son; she told me he was at day care, and then asked me about mine.
I told her she should think bigger and start writing about the project management software space in general.
Time is a continuum, I told her, thinking about friends and people that I hadn’t seen for so long, and people I’d never known who might or might not have died in the earthquake.
But I don't care who knows that the passion was wholly on one side; and I never told her a lie about it.
Time is a continuum, I told her, thinking about friends and people that I hadn't seen for so long, and people I'd never known who might or might not have died in the earthquake.
Sometimes, just because I was there and because, unlike Sin-Jun, I was fluent in English, Dede told me things about her life.
I never made a personal remark on the tapes, never asked after Hanna, never told her anything about myself.
I never made a personal remark on the tapes, never asked after Hanna, never told her anything about myself.