I know I encourage everyone in class to look at a substantial number of sources, but I don't want you to get overwhelmed.
One other painting I really want you to look at is of a young woman surrounded by pumpkins.
OK, we'll have a careful look at the content of your case study in a minute, but I just want to make a general comment first, before you start writing your second draft.
When you go to the exhibit, I really want you to take a close look at a certain painting.
I want to just highlight this point for you because we're going to come back and look at it.
In this post I want to look at what I think those aspects are and how you can incorporate them into your life.
So, this week I want us to look at some common barriers that will keep you from becoming all God wants you to be in the next ten years.
Before I put this all together in Listing 18, you might want to take one last look at the smelly code I started out with, back in Listing 13.
I mean, in general, you will want, once you have a set of nice, natural variables, you will want to look mostly at situations where one of the variables changes.
And, again, I want you to look at this and think about what's going to happen here.
Sounds ridiculous when you look at it objectively, but for me it represented a part of my life I didn't want to let go of.
Particularly I want you to look at the interface between the release mechanism and the scanner.
"Look," I want to say to Amy, "I have no idea what your mother would want me to tell you at this point."
If you want to know how much you matter to God, look at Christ with his arms outstretched on the cross saying, "I love you this much!"
He will probably tell you, "whenever I want to." Our students should be taught to not just look at their immediate wants and needs, but also to consider the needs of others.
We will have our midterm exams next month. I plan to look for some important books and study at the library. Do you want to join me?
Today I want to look at the first of four health factors you may not have thought of for living long and well.
And I'm going to bounce this ball, and I want you to look at it and tell me what you think is the source of that energy.
But then — and here is where I want you to look at the passages that I've handed out.
I think what... the point of this question is I think what they want to do is see how you look at yourself. So can you evaluate your own performance in a way and also can you...
Why should we dream away another year? Look at me, dear! Don't you understand how I want you for my wife?
If you want proof why you belong in Gryffindor, then I suggest you look more closely at this.
My listening friend, I want you to look with me at three things in Daniel, Chapter 1.
I don't want to scare you unnecessarily, but you might as well face facts and look at a few Numbers.
If you want to enjoy the simple pleasure of life that I am afraid to get out of the grid in order to look at the third eye detached world.
I can give you nothing, I have nothing to give - but what I want from you is that when we look together and we see the poor in our own family, we begin at home to love until it hurts.
Particularly I want you to look at the interface between the release mechanism and the sca er.
Particularly I want you to look at the interface between the release mechanism and the sca er.