"I want to live my life to the fullest, and this movie has made me think a lot," one student wrote.
You have a feeling that seeing death so close strips everything away but this one feeling: I love someone and I want them to know it.
I want you to pick one integer. This is going to be your special number for the year.
"I'm just one of hundreds of farmers doing this, trying to use less nitrogen," he says. "I want the environment to be good, too."
So again, I want to thank my colleagues for making this unprecedented gathering a day of unprecedented progress in confronting one of the greatest threats to our global security.
Before I put this all together in Listing 18, you might want to take one last look at the smelly code I started out with, back in Listing 13.
And although I have lots to say on this topic, for today I want to stay very focused and practical, therefore I’ll concentrate on just one key aspect of IT alignment — timing.
"I don't want this game to finish, I want to keep on playing forever," one young customer whispered as he stared at the screen.
"This isn't what I want to be doing, but at least I have a job," said Mr. Li, sitting in his room one October evening.
I want to put down on this axis the return on the stock market and on this axis I want to put the return on one company, let's say Microsoft.
"I want to be part of this club, that was one of my main reasons for coming here," the defender said. "We have to do it in as quick and short a time as possible."
“One reason I am doing this research is to help people who want to get married to make it happen,” Mr. Regnerus said.
For my birthday, I want 'arry and Bert, the yellow train station, and this one and this one. I don't have this one.
The SDB node is useless to me, but sdb1 is interesting - this is the one I want to mount.
I have been in most of the cathedrals of Rome and Sicily (some of which I never want to go in again), but I had not remembered visiting this one.
I want you to appreciate, however, that I could continue to think of this as two one-dimensional motions.
Remember that my main reasons for doing this are that 1 I don't want all my data in one corporation and 2 I don't want everything I do to be pervaded by advertising.
I want to share one thing about this eagle which plays a major part in our lives, and people become so much stuck with that and they are ruining their lives, they destroyed their lives.
关于这只鹰,我想说一点,它在人们生活中扮演着主要的角色,以至于人们常常受制于它。 它占据了生活的所有,毁了人们的生活。
I want my children to be able to read this book one day and understand the spiritual journey I had to experience to be able to accept the joy of being their father.
"I want to know what you're thinking on one of the most important questions of this campaign," Clinton said in a mock-serious tone during the initial video.
One of the old men explained:“His name is Wealth, this is Success, and I am Love. ”Then he added, “Now go in and discuss with your husband which one of us you want in your home.
其中一位老人解释道:“他叫‘财富’,这是‘成功’,而我则是‘爱’, ”他补充道, “现在你回屋去,和你丈夫商量一下,愿意让我们中的哪一位进去。”
All right. I want to do one more extended example here., because we've got another piece to do, but I want to capture this, because it's important, so let me again try and say it the following way.
What made this clear to me was having an idea I didn't want as the top one in my mind for two long stretches.
In this post, I want to tell you more about one of these: the Core Ranking team.
In this letter I want to pose only one question which seems to me, at least from afar, to be the most important and acute.
This is a tricky one, because women use hairdryers and hairdryers use electricity and I want to be fair. I'm using a hairdryer now, as I type my spleen.
And the third one I want to point out is, whether this is an interpreted versus a compiled language.
And I want to walk you through it real quick because one of the things you can tell immediately about this text is that it's very carefully constructed.
And I want to walk you through it real quick because one of the things you can tell immediately about this text is that it's very carefully constructed.