Now I want to check out two books on spoken English. Can you show me where I can find them?
This weekend is Night of the Bat, which I want to check out, but the Austin Children's Museum is also great, and our son is just now getting to the age where he would enjoy it nearly 1 year old!
My guests have written about these things in their book, "the Invisible Gorilla," and if you haven't already, I want you to go over to our website and check out the video that's up there.
If you have time, I want you to check out a remarkable blog I've been reading by Eric Heins.
It turns out, that this will be a bug, and I want you to think about why it's wrong for me to put this check here.
I recommend you check out the books below if you want to know the SECRET BEHIND HOW the RICH GET richer.
I am going to check out this art opening on Saturday night. Do you want to go with me?
Anyway, if you want to check out the other office units in Wanchai or Causeway Bay, I can provide the information for you.
I want to order a pair of shoes online? Could you tell me how to check out?
Anyway, if you want to check out the other office units in wan Chai or Causeway Bay, I can provide the information for you.
I have already written a post about it so if you want to check it out, I write a link down below. So you can skip the things I'm going to say in this video.
Then, I contacted the publishers and said, "Hey, I actually have a book written. Do you want to check it out?"
Then, I contacted the publishers and said, "Hey, I actually have a book written. Do you want to check it out?"