She started to just say, I want to get married and have kids as soon as possible.
I want to get married, I hope you will come, this is always waiting for the final result.
I want to get married, I wanna to have kids, and I wanna have a family, so it wasn't that hard.
"I want to get married," said Kosen, whose growth was caused by a tumour on his pituitary gland.
I want to get married in a Caribbean island where the marriage will not be recognized by American Law.
I want to get married, I want to marry a man older than me, he has not had the experience I have I have not had the story.
"Of course I want to get married," he said as we drove back to West Hachioji station listening to his favorite Eurobeat CD.
"I put my profile on the site because I want to get married to a nice man and I want a baby," she said from her home in Chennai.
Former girlfriend message: I want to get married, I said with you into the palace of marriage, so you come when the groomsman it.
I want to get married, I want to marry men of a stable temperament, our respective to and from work, over the lives of nine to five.
No. 15, a strikingly tall man with side-swept bangs, says: "I want to get married for my parents, but I think lying to them will make me feel terrible.
I want to get married, I want to marry a hard working man, he would do well to eat meals, will use the washing machine washing clothes, cleaning the house with bright will.
I want to get married, I want to marry a man as I like baby, he will have patience with me a small problem, I do not considerate and thoughtful, he can take care of me, as if I was his little sister.
Angrily determined to be different from my mother, I would shout at her: "I never want to get married or have children."
They think I need to get a job and get married and do various other things that they want me to do that mostly depend on me not being myself.
I didn't want to wait until spring, and she didn't want to get married in the cold weather.
Michael: I want to meet, you know, the woman of my dreams and get married. I wanna have kids, and that’s just not gonna happen for me looking like this or feeling this way.
“One reason I am doing this research is to help people who want to get married to make it happen,” Mr. Regnerus said.
Rick: Of course! But I don't want to get married just to solve a visa problem.
I heard that you want to go home to get married, the heart is very painful, really a feeling of suffocation, sorry, I think.
I know you're all dying to get home, unless, of course, you happen to be married to my ex-wife, in which case you'll want to cross over to the Westbound and go in the opposite direction.
Ooh! A wedding on the beach! When I get married that's what I want to do, too! Will you be invited?
Ooh! A wedding on the beach! When I get married that's what I want to do, too! Will you be invited?