And I want to see more of the new nation you are building on a scale even the emperors could not have foreseen.
(Applause.) I want to see more products sold around the world stamped with the three proudwords: “Made in America.”
If you are the underdog and morale is good, you could still try "I want to see more" but it is less likely to work.
Da Hai is something I want to see more than any anime in these coming seasons, and I'm more than sure I won't be disappointed.
I want them to see a loving face when they die. I want my face to carry the love that tells them that they and every one of us are worth more than our most terrible ACTS.
I want to see all of them in poorer neighbourhoods, or in areas crying out for more school places.
Please don't automatically give me more food without checking first to see if I want more.
However, I was more shocked when he said: "You only have to say and I won't marry her, but then I want us to stay together and not see anyone else."
More than two thirds of the nation want to see the launch of Chang’e I, China’s first lunar orbiter live on TV, according to a survey.
I want to see something built on top of MS MVC that even more-so favors Convention over Configuration — including but not limited to generators and such.
"Yes, yes," answered Baba Mustapha, "I see you want to have me speak out, but you shall know no more."
We didn't plan to have more than two kids, we just think that they're a great gift to the world, and when I look at them I see Will and I feel so full of love, it's tough not to want more.
I want to see my hometown becomes stronger, richer and more beautiful one day.
Hi Ana. Of course I want to see you in court for many more years, but just for curiosity: have you thought to be a coach when you retire?
To be engaged in more areas? Yes, I want to see the world. Is 'nt it a luxury to enjoy the most beautiful landscapes in the world.
I still want to add more site analysis diagrams along with some eye-level perspectives of what one would see when experiencing the different Spaces of the design.
I miss you, but I'm not going to text you first, because I want to see if you miss me more.
No, I want more time to see Denver. I want to fly out on the 20th.
I didn't want to see him any more because he often hit me when he had no money to buy whiskey.
Send me more pics of you my love... I want to see you more and more each passing day.
I want to see us work more closely on the things we can do better together than alone.
We all want to live to see world peace and environmental security, but I do not doubt that learning more about compassion is the right place to start.
I am not sure if I am too greedy or not, but I really want to see more of the world.
Attention rest more, I know that you can't see me, but I really don't want you to me so tired.
Attention rest more, I know that you can't see me, but I really don't want you to me so tired.