I was kicked out of school when I was in third grade for refusing to salute the flag.
When I was in third grade, she urged our teacher to organize a field trip to Chicago museums.
GREAT FALLS, Va. - When I was in third grade, my teacher asked who among us wanted to run for class President.
The spring I was in the third grade, my teacher planned activities to celebrate the season: For weeks I looked forward to making treats and dying eggs.
小学三年级的时候,我的老师要举办一个活动庆祝春天的到来。 一连几个星期我都期待着制作零食和给鸡蛋染色。
I stumbled upon this approach when my oldest son was taking Geometry in third grade, and it's perhaps my best advice.
Third grade was the first time that I was allowed to take part in the plant sale.
In college, I won the third-grade scholarship for two consecutive times and was awarded such titles as "Merit Student" and "Excellent League …
When I was a third-grade student in the 1960s, my school organized a field trip to an exhibit of suffering, where, under the direction of our teacher, we cried bitter tears.
When I was a third-grade student in the 1960s, my school organized a field trip to an exhibit of suffering, where, under the direction of our teacher, we cried bitter tears.