I didn't think the world needed another blogger. I was wrong.
I've admitted that I was wrong, and I wouldn't say sorry if I wasn't wrong.
I was wrong, I am bad, you don't angry, angry the body bad, you forgive me!
Like you maybe I was wrong, love you I really changed a lot! Fool, I love you!
It's hard to say "I was wrong", but if you don't say it, you have to pay for it.
Mr. Li, driver said "I've threatened others' lives, I was wrong, I deserve punishment."
But will any of the deniers say "O.K., I guess I was wrong," and support climate action?
You let me heartache, so don't give up, every time when I was wrong, but always blame you.
As someone who questioned whether he was actually the real deal, I now believe I was wrong.
Someone even told me that I was wrong since there cannot be such a large gardenia in the world.
"I was wrong to laugh at her." a little work when times are good is a big help when times are bad.
Too strong to tell you I was sorry. -too proud to tell you I was wrong. -i know that I was blind, ooh.
Yes, yes! I admit I was wrong in not keeping you informed of my plans. But please don't go on about it.
Each of us will have fear, Once I thought I will not overcome this fear, but later I found that I was wrong.
It hurts me that I was wrong in my disagreement that instead Holland chose an ugly path to aim for the title.
I know I've done everything to break your heart, but now I know that I was wrong, I hope you can forgive me.
B. I have changed, that is: I, Lenin, now realize that I was wrong, that my earlier admiration was a mistake.
All I know is, I was wrong I have to correct, revise, in constantly at the same time there will be constant error.
Forgive me! I know I was wrong, if you do not forgive me, then calls to scold me! I am willing to be you scold old!
But I couldn't second-guess the data; perhaps there'd been a change of ownership or clientele, and perhaps-gasp-i was wrong.
And you are going back to them later and say "I was wrong and it's even worse. You can't stay on the boat 'cos the boat is sinking."
Regardless of what we decide, one thing is certain… when I was out on the field giving it 110% and feeling like nobody noticed, I was wrong.
It didn't really faze me too much that everybody thought I was wrong, but it annoyed me that I was having trouble getting research grants and so forth.
In my case, people were especially interested in showing that I was wrong, because at the time I was not at the pinnacle of gastroenterology, or even in the mainstream.
Phrases like “I'm not sure, maybe I was wrong, I don't feel up to the task, or this is too hard” may indicate a weakening of confidence brought on by doubt in our own abilities.
Phrases like “I'm not sure, maybe I was wrong, I don't feel up to the task, or this is too hard” may indicate a weakening of confidence brought on by doubt in our own abilities.