Whenever I watch movies, my wife is not happy about it because she thinks that a practitioner should not waste time on that.
My husband and I watch movies from the library on his laptop, which relieves us of the necessity of owning a TV and a stack of DVDs.
During my free time, I watch movies, read books and listen in to music which covers a wide array of topic. I enjoy expanding my understanding of how this world works.
Off the floor, I'm usually relaxed, I wish I had a hobby or sth like this, most of the time during the season I watch movies or play video games, do sth, but most of the time I stay pretty busy.
I watch my little daughter's face as she absorbs the powerful onslaught of arousing visuals and bloody special effects in movies.
Once in a while, I like to watch scary movies.
I'm not a fan of pirates, and I didn't watch many pirate movies.
So when our three kids were growing up, Kay and I were very strict with what movies they could see, what TV programs they could watch, what books and magazines they could read.
Although I watch very few TV shows, Melinda and I see a lot of movies -at least one per week.
In Shanghai, I went to watch American movies in the cinema and I saw those beautiful actresses.
Tina: Seems like I don't have any better idea than this. Lets move. (went to watch their movies and sent each other home)?
I get that it's a TV show (and now two movies) and not steeped in reality, and the whole entertainment factor is key, but is it really entertaining to watch cliche after cliche?
I usually watch the movies online or download them to my computer; it’s fast and simple.
I remember my experience during a summer vacation when I made plans to watch 10 original English movies including the classic Casablanca, Rebecca, A Tale of Two Cities, and Little Women.
Gordon: I love the sci-fi genre, but I prefer to watch movies.
T: I didn't feel nervous, cause I didn't watch at the movies and I didn't meet many person, cause I was always working here. Oh, only I went to Chanel Show before I start the promotion of this movie.
So I can watch movies any time I want to. And at the same time I can practice my listening comprehension and spoken English.
I want a boy who will stay home with me on a Friday night just to help me make dinner and watch movies together under the same blanket.
I do read some books, I do watch some movies but I don't say those are my hobbies.
I liked Black Cinema as Genre, because you got to watch a lot of movies.
In addition, one thing I want to do more is to watch movies from the 'training perspective'.
In fact I seldom watch movies, but his passionate interpretation exerts an influence on my heart and inspires my interest in classical foreign movies.
My favorite male ActorI like to watch movie, I had watched many movies, Jackie Chen is my favorite male actor.
My favorite male ActorI like to watch movie, I had watched many movies, Jackie Chen is my favorite male actor.