And if you want it with someone, I wonder how you might go about it and what courage and optimism will help you to move in that direction.
I realize after reading messages on this website, and notes and CARDS — that I do not have to wonder about the wonderful people around me and what they would say.
I wonder what is your views about, what does philosophy have to say with life after death?
Incidentally you might wonder what nullable is all about; that will become clearer when I discuss processing relative XPaths in a later column.
Wonder what that was about. Maybe he's gonna kick us to the street! I saw him do it to those hamsters last week!
As I wait in line, I wonder what it would take for me to forget about the boycott.
When I look at the Forbes 400, the billionaire and the celebrity rich lists, I wonder how many of the people on them are actually happy. And what about fame and success?
看一看《福布斯》杂志列出的前 400 名亿万富翁和社会名流名单,真不知道他们当中有多少人真的幸福。名望和成功到底怎样?。
I sometimes wonder about my old friend, where she is now and what she's doing.
As learn more bout the primary school system in the west, I wonder what education is really about.
The writing and data presentation are so bad that I had to leave work and go home early and then spend time to wonder what life is about.
Whenever I read a book or watch a movie, I'd wonder what you think about it.
I sometimes wonder what a being from another planet might report back about our way of life.
Susan: Really? That's weird. I wonder what they want. (She opens the package) Okay, this is odd... Why have they sent me a bunch of leaflets about housing in Alaska?
I wonder how my parents got anything fruitful from those sessions but they would always return excited, relating to me what my teachers said about my performance.
The following week every day as we passed the driveway I would look at the sign and wonder about what it meant.
Following from No. 3, I wonder what would happen if it were possible to have even a portion of our personal taxes targeted toward causes, or at least general areas, that we care about.
After attending the social university, I wonder about what I've believed in.
Sometimes I do wonder, what is so special about our human kind that all those much more powerful, much more beautiful and superior creatures fell helplessly in love with us?
When I was old enough to wonder about such things, I asked Mr. Funderburg what it was that he grew on his farm.
I wonder if you guys can figure out what I amsinginand haha how about my chinese .
I wonder if you guys can figure out what I amsinginand haha how about my chinese .