From the second I talked to her, I knew Kai would be a lifelong friend.
Bobby: no way! I just want to know if you think I would be a good husband.
If she wasn't acting... "Maybe I would be a Pilates instructor - I'm really big into Pilates!"
One CEO I consulted felt so strongly about it he told me I would be a fool to leave Compaq for Apple.
"I never thought I would be a star in a commercial, then this happened. It's very fortunate," Anas said.
If in the future you feel I would be a candidate for a higher level position, I know I wouldn't be passed up.
He said: "My father always said to me I would be a late bloomer. I believe I'm the oldest person to win this award."
“He said he wanted Chelsea this season to play more attacking football, and that I would be a big part of that,” Mata said.
With plenty of MQ experience, I would be a natural fit for a consulting team that specializes in WebSphere-branded products.
When I was a child my parents wished that I would be a lawyer or a doctor, and I said no I want to be a philosopher and writer in the future when I was only five.
I would be a bit cautious to note that if you turn out all your voters early and you do not have any left on election day, it still ends up being the same amount.
Had all those colorful wires not gotten into my brain, and all that ozone into my blood, I would be a bored psychologist today, listening to someone whine about their life.
I kept thinking these thoughts until I realized that I could use the experience to my advantage, because I wanted to be a teacher some day (little did I know I would be a teacher of work happiness).
The capital investment that would bring, the jobs that would bring, the other indirect economic activity...Well, I think that would be a terrific success.
It would be hypocritical of me to have a church wedding when I don't believe in God.
I think it would be a gross distortion of reality to say that they were motivated by self-interest.
In dealing with a challenge on such a scale it is no exaggeration to say, "United we stand, divided we fall" and if I had to choose a slogan it would be "Unity in our diversity".
Also, I have a good chance of winning a scholarship at Leeds, which would be pretty awesome, the benefit of being a music genius.
Could I exchange my nature with any other creature, I fain would be such a happy little lark!
I keep thinking that if I were an inventor, or better still, a very rich inventor, it would be fantastic!
Tootles explained prudently, "You see, sir, I don't think my mother would like me to be a pirate."
Well, I think a better idea would be to approach someone who's involved in the process.
I have a good chance of winning a scholarship at Leeds, which would be pretty awesome, the benefit of being a music genius.
I thought that would be a good idea as there'd be a lot of people around but I'm finding it a bit noisy.
I would think that a lot of customers would be bothered by, if I'm shopping, I don't know if I'd want some business representative coming up to me and asking me questions.
If I sent a reply of any sort, all I would be doing is satisfying my own ego and getting in a jab or a last word.
I thought about getting the train, but that would have meant a bus journey as well, and I couldn't be bothered so I decided to take a taxi eventually.
"As I can't be anything important," said Tootles, "would any of you like to see me do a trick?"
"As I can't be anything important," said Tootles, "would any of you like to see me do a trick?"