I know. And the icing on the cake is that I left my wallet in the taxi!
They are our pride and joy, our reason for being, the icing on the cake of life.
It's good breaking abilities and stiffer suspension is just the icing on the cake.
Ronaldinho would be the icing on the cake but the icing is difficult to bring home.
And if you happen to help a childless couple along the way, that's just icing on the cake.
Foreign capital will only be icing on the cake will not be providing help to the needy.
What forever, what will never change until death. Are only the icing on the cake excuse.
Decorate bridal chamber of romance will no doubt for bustling wedding icing on the cake.
I had some pretty good results in this race, but last year's victory was the icing on the cake.
For luxury car buyers - notoriously labeled the shrewd shoppers - a good deal is icing on the cake.
Love is a kind of icing on the cake of life, true love is a distillation of the precipitate after.
THE ICING ON THE CAKE: With an electric mixer, cream the frosting ingredients together until smooth.
So one day, I wish all the women, Love the thick quilt is timely assistance, the red rose is icing on the cake.
At the top of the pendant with a decorated with wrappers do little Chinese knot, is really the icing on the cake.
Please call contact: We will be beautifully packaged and hand in hand with you, for your products icing on the cake.
Firstly it was great to see him get a goal on his debut. It was the icing on the cake of a superb match in Houston.
Getting the manager to accept our new plans in addition to implementing our original ones was really the icing on the cake.
Oh, girl, you think too much. Just go and have a nice evening. If you like the guy and he likes you, it's just icing on the cake.
Using e-commerce web marketing mode is icing on the cake and not opportune help rely one-commerce reverse business fortunes around.
Mortgage holding and secret common fund are simply the icing on the cake for the rich, but what they mean to us who are not so rich enough?
You need to make sure that the game is first and foremost not repetitive and then if you toss in some replayability it's icing on the cake.
PO Bailey told the Telegraph: "I've served in the Navy for 19 years and this means a great deal to me." It is the icing on the cake of my career.
Need furniture embellishment to create a wonderful mood for you, just the right icing on the cake home furnishings will allow the owner feel warm.
Like the star atop the Christmas tree, let your hair accessories shine as you do; the icing on the cake of your perfectly put together party outfit.
August 15 - China's traditional Reunion, as a bunch of icing on the cake of colored silk, giving it 60 anniversary of the addition of a thick Sweetie.
August 15 - China's traditional Reunion, as a bunch of icing on the cake of colored silk, giving it 60 anniversary of the addition of a thick Sweetie.