A coral reef is built by the accretion of tiny, identical organisms.
Some carnivorous plants that look nearly identical turn out to be only distantly related.
The two lists will contain roughly the same number of states, but they will not be identical.
Pauli says no two electrons in a given system can have the entire set of quantum numbers identical.
Two strains of the disease, with almost identical symptoms, affected humans—Ebola-Zaire and Ebola-Sudan.
Please don't bring in your attorney if I didn't ask a question that's identical to one that you've worked.
In this case, if you compare the identity of the returned objects, you will find that they are not identical.
In another set of experiments, Kramer put identical food boxes around the cage, with food in only one of the boxes.
A similar example of identical materials used in contrasting styles characterizes the treatment of Roman travertine marble.
It often happens that a number of applicants with almost identical qualifications and experience all apply for the same position.
When you call a function, what actually happens is that function gets its own chunk of memory that's identical in size to the data type that it expects.
Among the kinds of social gestures most significant for second-language teachers are those which are identical in form but different in meaning in the two cultures.
A trademark prevents others from using the identical or a similar word, name, or symbol to take advantage of the recognition and popularity of the brand or to create confusion in the marketplace.
The two items are, to all intents and purposes, identical.
Non-identical twins are the result of two fertilized eggs implanting in the uterus at the same time.
Many scientists once believed that physical similarities between identical twins are genetic, while their personalities, intelligence and other differences between them are an effect of their environment.
Reed's research shows that though nothing can truly change our DNA, environmental differences that a child experiences before birth and in their first year can sometimes affect the way the DNA behaves, making even identical twins into very different people.
里德的研究表明,虽然没有什么能真正改变我们的 DNA,但孩子在出生前和出生后第一年所经历的环境差异有时能够影响 DNA 的表现方式,甚至使同卵双胞胎变成两个很不同的人。
For example, Jim Springer and Jim Louis are identical twins.
For Watson, thinking is identical with the activity of muscles.
It is nearly identical to our own planet and bulk properties such as mass, density, and size.
Six identical triangles can be formed by drawing two straight lines through an octagon's center point.
Luckily my assistant manager has an identical set so she's going out this morning to get some copies made.
They want to know why many identical twins make similar choices even when they don't live near each other.
They study pairs of identical twins who grew up in different surroundings, like Jim Springer and Jim Louis.
Scientists continue to study identical twins because they are uncertain about them and have many questions.
Researchers at the University of Minnesota, study 350 sets of identical twins who did not grow up together.
Researchers at the University of Minnesota, studied 350 sets of identical twins who did not grow up together.
For example, parents could have one embryo implanted in the mother's womb and store its identical siblings indefinitely.
Last year, a study from Aston University in the UK used nearly identical parameters to our study and found similar results.
Because identical twins come from a single fertilized egg that splits into two, they share virtually the same genetic code.