For Watson, thinking is identical with the activity of muscles.
The calculating results are identical with the experiment values.
The results are well identical with those of internal and external scholars.
This is true even when the new system appears to be identical with the original system.
These sales conversations will be identical with respect to the process and principles.
It might be interesting to meet a Mini-Me, who is identical with me but in a smaller size.
Well accept the goods only if the results from the two inspections are identical with each other.
We'll accept the goods only if the results from the two inspections are identical with each other.
We 'll accept the goods only if the results from the two inspections are identical with each other.
We "ll accept the goods only if the results from the two inspections are identical with each other."
Administrative power action and moral action are at once identical with and opposing to each other.
This however is a merely external necessity, not the real inward necessity which is identical with freedom.
Dawn and resurrection are synonymous. The reappearance of the light is identical with the persistence of the _i_.
Time is related to - yes, identical with - everything creative and active, every process toward a higher goal.
The primary tests of this system show that data and results are almost identical with the object of research.
For inline originating tasks, the potential instance creator role is identical with the potential starter role.
The strategic evolution of management thought is identical with the thought and function of public relationship.
The tests of this system show that datum and results to measure are almost identical with the object of research.
Then he goes into fasting, here's how you're supposed to fast: Your fast must not be identical with those of the hypocrites.
The façade is made of different fractions, chipped stone block of limestone, geologically identical with the quarry rock.
Genetic sequencing confirmed that the yeast in the galls is 99.5% identical with the non-ale half of the lager-yeast genome.
The results of arc pressure field, fluid velocity field, and electric potentials are identical with the results in literature.
Martha dreams of a new type of life, the essence of which is freedom that is identical with freedom stressed by Existentialism.
We can easily see now that it is identical with the categorical structure of "the doctrine of essence" in Part II, Science of Logic.
We found that concentration areas of. Glauconites are identical with the oxidizing environment, coarse-sediment areas and relict sediments.
The microstructure of the PP product prepared by catalyst ys 842 are basically identical with that of the product made by imported catalyst.
用YS 842催化剂生产的PP产品微观结构与进口催化剂生产的PP产品基本一致。
This image, so nearly identical with the living Pearl, seemed to communicate somewhat of its own shadowy and intangible quality to the child herself.
The resulting ISO images are bit-for-bit identical with those posted on MSDN or TechNet, and their SHA-1 hashes should match the official hashes posted by Microsoft.
由此得到的ISO映像是与MSDN或TechNet发布的镜像bit-for-bit完全相同,并且他们的SHA -1哈希数与微软官方发布的哈系数吻合。
The resulting ISO images are bit-for-bit identical with those posted on MSDN or TechNet, and their SHA-1 hashes should match the official hashes posted by Microsoft.
由此得到的ISO映像是与MSDN或TechNet发布的镜像bit-for-bit完全相同,并且他们的SHA -1哈希数与微软官方发布的哈系数吻合。