Although they will be excited by the struggle for first place, they will also identify with the ordinary person trying to fulfill his or her physical potential.
She says blacks who identify with the Democratic Party have fallen from the 90th percentile down to around 70 percent.
They are often about real people, so you can identify with the characters, and that's what engages us in them.
"I identify with the underdog," he said.
Which of the characters do you identify with the most?
Identify with the powerful, and the powerless too, she urged.
Here's hoping GM customers don't identify with the lyrics too closely.
Humans can easily identify with the emotional expressions of chimpanzees.
I can hardly identify with the latter opinion for the following several sound reasons.
My family has been away so long I'm not sure if I should identify with the country anymore.
That might suggest that I identify with the 1%, but in fact, I'm in total solidarity with the 99%.
Coal miners and steelworkers can identify with the inherited resolve of the lead and zinc miners here.
It helps you to identify with the idea that the soul is joy, and to realize that you are what you seek.
Absorption in music enables a listener to identify with the vocalist and the message expressed by the lyrics.
Price fluctuations can identify with the market trend changes in relations between the often liable to a loss.
All this being true, the question remains: When does a business decide to identify with the role of a requestor, provider, or broker?
Most people identify with the painting of the drowning man in the storm, rather than with the dove in the crevice of the boulder.
It doesn't matter what you do, it does matter with what you identify. If you identify with the limited ego, then you are unhappy.
I don't identify with the priests yet I honor them for they bring through what they were taught and what they feel is the right thing.
For him, Keats seems to identify with the bees who think warm days will never cease, "for Summer has o 'er-brimmed their clammy cells."
It is, after all, a corporate role, and if you don't identify with the house style then you'd probably be better off doing something else.
Young people can identify with the soap opera character, who, like the college-age viewer, is looking for happy love, and probably not finding it.
I thought your article today was very interesting because for one thing, I could identify with the fear of taking a leap of faith into the unknown.
我认为你今天的文章非常有趣。 跟着感觉走,将自己投入到未知领域时所产生的恐惧,让我们十分相似。
I thought it would be more interesting if Sookie and Tara were like sisters, had different skin colors and didn't identify with the rest of the people.
In fact, it seems that many Brits, given the choice, prefer to identify with the class they were born into rather than that which their jobs or income would suggest.
But whereas most first-person narratives ask us to identify with the narrator – we become this 'I' who is telling the story – this one also interpellates us as 'you'.
But whereas most first-person narratives ask us to identify with the narrator – we become this 'I' who is telling the story – this one also interpellates us as 'you'.