Identifying code pages in the DB2 UDB environments.
识别DB 2UDB环境中的代码页。
This makes visually identifying code blocks much easier.
Hierarchical code system, identifying code and control functions was presented.
In order to prevent the emergence of this situation, 'identifying code' came into being.
This category has one subcategory that focuses on identifying code that is unnecessarily complex.
A car's vehicle identification number (VIN) is the identifying code for your SPECIFIC automobile.
This works because each Bluetooth radio chip has a unique identifying code that can be used to look up a person's information.
Present invention refers to forgery prevention authenticate system utilizing identifying code to verify note content authenticity.
Through setting the identifying code at the side of register and logging, It can prevent maliciously occupied network resources, release network congestion.
A different consideration applies to a jitter, such a translator will never have a problem identifying code since the intermediate code was designed to make it easy.
Identifying such areas allows code review efforts to be focused on such critical regions, raising efficiency.
A tester can also code a test case manually i.e. without using the recording capabilities of the tool and capture the test objects later by identifying them using tool.
It also includes method profiles, which are extremely helpful in identifying poorly performing code or code that is being unnecessarily called.
Identifying the location and type of the design pattern helps the reviewer understand the source code.
After identifying scripts with Solaris-specific code, you need to search for equivalent modules that work on Linux as well.
After identifying new color codes for each of these elements, the existing color code can be replaced with the new ones at every occurrence in the stylesheet.
With the back-propagation algorithm in hand, we can turn to our puzzle of identifying the language of source code samples.
Performing manual code reviews and inspections can be a highly effective way of identifying defects in code.
These are useful tools for identifying and investigating areas of code with low coverage, because they highlight the selected area of code by opening it in the appropriate viewer or editor.
Static analysis tools also can help to find resource leaks, such as failures to deallocate memory or release resources, by identifying potential source code.
Agile development methodologies are lightweight processes that seek to minimize the time lag between identifying requirements and the delivery of working code.
You're now aware of the top 10 JNI programming pitfalls and have learned some good practices for identifying them in existing or new code.
Hand optimization is taking an executable, analyzing its performance, and identifying areas of code that need to be adjusted to perform better on the given platform.
Even more than coding guidelines, complexity analysis is the foundation for identifying the riskiest, more error-prone, most difficult and costly-to-maintain code in your system.
While it might be possible to identify the memory leaking data structure by analyzing the heap dumps, identifying the memory leaking code which is in a infinite loop is not straightforward.
These simplify the process of selling things by identifying goods at a checkout without the need for laser-scanning a bar code.
However, the tool does not aid in identifying the faulty source code responsible for causing the memory leak.
When Barcode Scanner is finished reading and identifying the QR code, select Open Browser.
当“条形码阅读器”成功读取并识别二维码后,选择“打开浏览器(Open Browser)”。
Identifying program code similarity is to measure similar degree between two program codes with a kind of detection method.
Identifying program code similarity is to measure similar degree between two program codes with a kind of detection method.