New members will be issued with a temporary identity card.
The system might use a smart identity card, or a digital credential linked to a specific computer and would authenticate users at a range of online services.
Germany, for instance, recently introduced an identity card that lets citizens authenticate themselves online-thus creating an alternative to both Google's and Facebook's systems for proving identity.
They were known here as Arshad Khan and Tareq Khan, although one police official said that Arshad was not the man's real name and that he carried a fake identity card.
Civilians taking public transport to Jaffna no longer need defence-ministry authorisation; just three copies of their national identity card will do.
The Chinese identity card looks just like any other: it is the right size, has the right symbols and carries the person's image and personal details.
Prosecutors have an identity card that seems to prove he was at Sobibor (perhaps a forgery, says the defence).
N: Pleas show me your identity card (diplomati certificate, experts certificate, passport).
You'd better make a copy of your Identity Card, just to be on the safe side.
taking away a worker's resident identity card or other certificates, or charging a deposit from the worker.
Proof of identity includes passport, identity card, driving license and any other documents with a similar nature.
An individual registered trademark shall submit 2 copies of the copy of the identity card, the design of the trademark, the design of the 6, with my signature trademark registration application.
Chief Officer: Yes. All stevedores are required to carry an identity card issued by their employers.
The erosion of our identity card when you need a very good teacher pay to solve a problem.
A protective holder will be supplied once with each smart identity card issued. The Immigration Department has no plan to provide extra protective holder for replacement at the moment.
Sadly, the identity card numbers of the volte-face will lead directly to the need to update all my information, including personal data, company information, bank information.
A settlement account opened by the depositor on the strength of the individual identity card and in the name of a natural person shall be an individual settlement account.
This form is to be used by persons reporting death of an identity card holder and returning the identity card of the deceased for cancellation.
Deer Hill beautiful scenery mouth identity card design engineering.
In addition to the identity card, and what can be used as a valid proof of identity?
Where it is difficult to judge whether a person is juvenile or not, the worker of such a center may ask person to show his identity card.
Recently I needed to renew my Portuguese identity card, so I looked up information about the way of renewal. I, accidentally, found an interesting but terrible news.
In an attempt to ease concerns, Xiaozhu hosts are encouraged to use the company's mobile app to scan a guest's identity card upon arrival.
The nation lacks a central population register or an identity-card system that would allow administrative data to be linked up.
The spokesman added that failure to apply for a new identity card within the specified call-up periods without reasonable excuse was an offence.
The insured is at least 18 years old. He should apply for the survival benefit in person, with his identity card and policy.
The insured is at least 18 years old. He should apply for the survival benefit in person, with his identity card and policy.