It USES a sophisticated identity matcher to generate keys that are then matched up between the models so the element IDs can be migrated forward.
Another option is to use a run-as element to specify that a run-as identity be used to invoke the bean's methods as we show later in this article.
另一个选项是使用run -as元素来指定用于调用Bean的方法run - as标识(请参见本文后面的相关内容)。
The security-identity element specifies the security identity to be used to invoke methods in SimpleSessionBean.
security-identity元素指定用于调用 SimpleSessionBean 中的方法的安全标识。
The use-caller-identity element specifies that the caller's security identity be used as the security identity for the execution of the enterprise bean's methods.
use - caller - identity元素指定将调用方的安全标识用作执行企业Bean的方法的安全标识。
To configure the security identity to invoke the methods in an ejb, we use the security-identity element in the bean definitions under enterprise-beans element in ejb-jar.xml.
为了配置安全标识来调用ejb中的方法,我们在ejb - jar . xml的enterprise - beans下的bean定义中使用了security - identity元素。
The siting and planning of the building and associated landscape was the key element within the campus masterplan to define the campus heart and for the enhancement of campus identity.
Mathematics a set with an associative binary operation under which the set is closed, which contains an identity element and an inverse for every element in the set.
Each subgroup contains exactly one idempotent, namely the identity element of the subgroup.
The identity had to reflect the human element of the business and not move to a highly digital feel, whilst also feel at home in this new technology environment.
The author discusses the problem of the semidirect products of completely simple semigroups without identity element.
The temperature control of the producing process of a planar carrier catalytic element has been operated manually so far, which has influence on both identity and productivity of the element.
Cuba's Pavilion reflects on cuisine as a key to Cuba's identity. It reveals the Cuban way of life and its coexistence with nature, an essential element of its artistic and cultural expression.
The identity element of arbitrary cyclic code over GF(2) can be found out by use of this method.
The identity element of arbitrary cyclic code over GF(2) can be found out by use of this method.