After Terminator 2, however, Arnie suffered a mid-career identity crisis and got mixed up in comedy.
But this does not solve what some have called eBay's "identity crisis".
In the Hybrid Age, we may all be suffering from a new kind of identity crisis.
Its resulting identity crisis has meant it losing viewers faster than the other channels.
The iPod Shuffle had an identity crisis and lost its button (it's back now, don't worry).
Self-identity crisis is a concentrated manifestation of contemporary cultural crisis.
Most of them usually have identity crisis at this age and smoking makes them feel better.
If a society's media representation cannot reflect its culture, serious cultural identity crisis may arise.
Another reason has been my denial and identity crisis I cannot openly say, "Yes, I am an aboriginal person."
Some, however, worry that as men and women both work and both stay home with kids, a gender identity crisis looms.
For him, the problem is education and jobs, plus an identity crisis over "what the town is and where it's going".
'it's almost as if they're in some kind of identity crisis. In a sense it's keeping the brain in a sort of time warp.'
As a result, the subject, PM itself, is faced with a double challenge of "knowledge crisis" and "identity crisis".
Where the “identity crisis” comes is the persistent and pervasive use of what I consider, spammy handles in blog comments.
An interesting idea, and perhaps one way of easing the identity crisis which looms over the bank as it deals with middling countries.
Ms Rose complains that she and her half-sibling Adam have suffered an identity crisis from knowing nothing about their biological father.
The author deals with the form of identity crisis of public management in U. s. and explores the practice and academic roots of this crisis.
In telling the story of an isolato who learns to reconnect to the world, the film deftly merges a cultural moment with a personal identity crisis.
The prevention and adaptation at the same time is a basic train of thought to solve the self-identity crisis in contemporary college students.
It's an action film that starts as cartoon, then detours into identity crisis, since Hancock, suffering from amnesia, doesn't know who he really is.
I don't ever want to forget that it was my two children who became my1 anchors in times of sadness, suicidal tendencies, rejection, and identity crisis.
Repeated exposure to social networking sites leaves users with an 'identity crisis', wanting attention in the manner of a toddler saying:' Look at me, Mummy, I've done this. '!
But this crab also suffers from something of an identity crisis: Imported king crab is often misnamed Alaskan king crab, because most people think that's the name of the crab.
But since the white invasion in 1788, the indigenous culture has been badly distorted, despised and neglected, which makes the Aborigines suffer from a severe identity crisis.
Repeated exposure to social networking sites leaves users with an 'identity crisis', wanting attention in the manner of a toddler saying: 'Look at me, Mummy, I've done this. '
Self - identity crisis reflects that self is being in conflict and contradiction, reflects that self is in discontinuity between the past and the present, between here and there.
This author attempts to place "Orientation crisis" in the perspective of "Identity crisis" for examination, with a view to unfolding a new aspect for reflection on Chinese modernity.
This author attempts to place "Orientation crisis" in the perspective of "Identity crisis" for examination, with a view to unfolding a new aspect for reflection on Chinese modernity.