The texture data is compared to reference information in a database to determine the identity of an individual.
First, the chemicals deposited on the rub provide information on the individual identity of an animal; no two mammals produce the same scent.
It not only affected the chemical signals of fertility, but it also obliterated the signals of an animal's individual identity.
By age four, most children have moved beyond the identity of "my mother's or my father's child" to an expanded individual identify concerning others in their immediate world.
Christine Drea: it not only affected the chemical signals of fertility but it also obliterated the signals of an animal's individual identity.
International Mother language Day is an ideal opportunity to highlight the importance of languages to group and individual identity, as the foundation for all social, economic and cultural life.
An individual registered trademark shall submit 2 copies of the copy of the identity card, the design of the trademark, the design of the 6, with my signature trademark registration application.
A sense of one's personal or collective identity, especially the complex of attitudes, beliefs, and sensitivities held by or considered characteristic of an individual or a group.
A settlement account opened by the depositor on the strength of the individual identity card and in the name of a natural person shall be an individual settlement account.
Analysis of identity of transworlds individual is an important content of the theory of possible words.
The author argues that the individual culture of an agent in international relations causes preferences of the agent, and hence primitively defines the agent's identity.
First language and mother tongue are overlapping concepts. It is the language identity of a nation or an individual that determines the mother tongue, but not the sequence of acquisition.
Marital Commitment (MC) is a kind of devotion and identity which an individual thinks about his (her) own marital relationship from emotion, psychology, and behavior.
Fashion is not about utility. An accessory is merely a piece of iconography used to express individual identity.
Rights of an individual, regardless of occupation, identity and all that points to normal birth that makes everyone equal.
Rights of an individual, regardless of occupation, identity and all that points to normal birth that makes everyone equal.