Don't keep my men idling and talking on their posts.
All I said was if he didn't get out and start selling a few cars instead of idling around all day, he might find himself looking for a new job.
Pets no longer move erratically when the player is idling.
Adjustments have to be done at an idling condition with no signal input.
Sometimes the brain is idling, sometimes it's roaring down the neural highway.
She is a very active sort of person and can't bear to see others idling around.
As a result, most of the 500 federally owned chimpanzees are idling in warehouses.
This is the point at which the engine can be said to be 'self-sustaining' or 'idling'.
If you are idling around all the time, what will you wind up with? Of course, failure.
Finally introduced the Sangtana motor car engine idling regime not steady overhaul example.
If the light ahead is red, the driver is told the optimal speed to avoid stopping and idling.
Finally obtains the fuzzy -pid control method to surpass other idling regime control method.
最后得出模糊- PID控制方法优于其他怠速控制方法。
Think of stop_machine as a traffic signal; it allows a sole CPU to proceed while idling all others.
stop_machine 是一个通信信号;它让一个CPU继续运行,而让所有其他 CPU空闲。
I've also been idling in IRC for as long as I had Internet - when my PC is running, so is my IRC client.
According to Minneapolis' anti-idling ordinance, "Exhaust is hazardous to human health, especially children's;
When the locomotive is traveling at a constant speed or idling, the battery rather than the diesel engine can power the motor.
Texas's unemployment rate is 8.2%, according to the Texas Workforce Commission, and has been idling there for some months.
Idling a car in a garage, even with the door open, is dangerous and exposes the driver to carbon monoxide and other noxious gases.
As well as pruning workforces, many manufacturing, metals and mining companies are idling some factories and mothballing others.
In fact, the in-situ long idling hot car only limited, but will also effect the three-way catalytic accelerated aging device and etc.
The experimental results under idling shows that the elastic prop model tension system is better than lever-weight-tightening the system.
Don't take my word about idling being ineffective, but do listen to my mechanic, Rob Maier, who runs Maier's Garage in Bridgeport, Connecticut.
For example, all BMW's four-cylinder engines (both petrol and diesel) will come with "start-stop" technology to cut the engine when it is idling.
In this paper, an experimental research is carried out on the car interior noise caused by air conditioning compressor during idling condition.
On this paper, an experimental research is carried out on the car interior noise caused by air conditioning compressor during idling condition.
A little bit of procrastination is probably inevitable - and healthy. Often, when you're idling, your subconscious is still working away on a problem.
And looking at the Lakers' recent performance in those categories, it sure sounds like a team that's mentality is idling while it waits for the playoffs, right?
And looking at the Lakers' recent performance in those categories, it sure sounds like a team that's mentality is idling while it waits for the playoffs, right?