I don't know if I agree with that. What about the evil lion in the lion King?
I do agree that if customers are having enough of an issue with the phone that Apple should be providing these bumpers at no cost.
If you ever suspected that the mind-control wizardry behind a toy like the Force Trainer was a bit of a gimmick, I can think of a few Northeastern University eggheads who might agree with you.
I agree entirely with the sentiment that if the project is not important enough to have a user representative, then it is not important enough to even do.
I wish I could agree with you, but if you ask me, kids aren't very affected by what they see on TV because they know it isn't real.
But even if most people would agree with me on that one point, I find that many others disagree with me on many other aspects of traveling.
But I have to agree with him that doing so is a hassle, especially if you want to add the trace information only when you're trying to debug a problem.
If you are thinking that moving from a select field to a text field requires a little more work, I agree with you.
If you posed this question to Miss Manners, I expect she would come back with a quick answer - use the standard formalities — but I don't know that I would agree.
That means listening with what they say even if I don't immediately agree and being patient with their response.
Well, hey—Ican’t say I agree with you for the most part—and I’d argue with you if we hadmore time—but what you say about what we lose is pretty intriguing.
"I agree with the policy, " says Tim Rhodes, 42, who has two children at John C. "Kids know if they do something wrong, they are punished."
Not everyone will agree with what I'm about to say, but I guess you wouldn't be reading my MS if we didn't have something in common.
I agree but the US team-both men and women often struggle with passing the baton so I wouldn't be surprised if it happens again.
I don't agree with you, David. If you like living in Canada, you won't want to go there when you're old.
Even if they get a little headstrong once in a while, I just agree with them and then they behave themselves.
Mr. Zhang: I suggest 15 years to start with. The contract would be extended if both sides agree.
I agree that yours is of better quality, but the gap is too wide if comparing with other supplier.
Okay, I wonder whether you like to make friends with me. I would appreciate it if you agree.
If I do not agree with 'the nationalistic feeling of the Chinese people' then I must be trying to denigrate China.
I agree that theoretically you would have a problem with the BI claim if this clause or something similar had not been written into the policy.
I don't know if it's the fish or something I ate that doesn't agree with me.
I don't know if it's the fish or something I ate that doesn't agree with me.