Racegoers could pick a horse for nothing in two of the five races and, if it won, were awarded 20 lottery scratch cards, giving them the chance to win 30,000 yuan ($4,400).
Throughout the conflict, the LNC has threatened that there will be dire consequences for those countries in the West that had not sufficiently supported the rebel side if it won.
If the jackpot isn't won this week it will roll over again to next week.
"If the redskins have won," he said, "they will beat the tom-tom; it is always their sign of victory."
What's more, if Obama had won the seat in the House, it would have been too early to go for the bigger target in the Senate, which materialised a couple of years later.
In fact, I think it would be a clearly bad thing if any one language won at any layer.
The Stephens firm still got its fair share, but it didn't control all the issues as it had in the past and would again if White won the election.
If your work is winning awards and it feels like you win most pitches - leave and go somewhere where no one has won anything and there is a low rate of success at pitches.
I've not really thought about it. If we won it, I'd be looking forward to a holiday with the family straight after, just celebrating privately.
If they have been chosen it means that their films won us over by their own merits.
If we had won the game today of course we'd have been back in it.
If this battle is won, perhaps Mexican business people can start believing that their country has what it takes to become more competitive and powerful than its big rival down south.
Such work is more likely to be won by educated Western workers, especially if it requires local knowledge.
If she won it she would give me a hundred roubles, and put the rest away under lock and key.
But its currency, the won, still behaves as if it is part of an old-fashioned emerging market.
Wow, if I am correct, it is the third gold medal he won in the national games.
The winning score of the third hand, if it is won by a player who has already scored in Games 1 and 2 is scored to his credit in all three games.
It would be nice if a different team won this year. By the way, can you tell me what a "hat trick" means?
We continue to eat oatmeal but if indigestion should set in generally, it is unrealistic to expect that we won 'thave some discomfort.
'Some steel companies are losing money, and if they don't quickly take effective measures, it could affect the steel industry's hard-won recovery.'
It is still likely to lay-off thousands of workers but probably far fewer than Fiat would have done if it had won the bidding.
The truth is that if one can bring oneself to acknowledge loneliness, half the battle is won. It is not an easy half of a battle, however.
We do not need to know 'how' it is going to happen, if we can move beyond our fears we have won the battle because that is our biggest challenge.
Why to lose to win? Since it is, I won't let him get it. If the affection can be a tie, I don't know whether she won, but I am very clear, from the beginning I have lost.
It is a simple sweepstakes where you give them contact info and they let you know if you have won.
I'd say it was about time, because if you look at the statistics then in the last few years we had always won.
We continue to eat oatmeal but if indigestion should set in generally it is unrealistic to expect that we won 'thave some discomfort.
But even if you won the lottery or inherited a million dollars, you still had to quickly figure out how to handle the money or risk losing it all.
Yes, if you won it, it is more likely to do your bidding, and do it well, than another wand.
Then, in 2009, I won our state's lifetime writing award (though I wondered if that meant I was about dead). It was named, of course, for Harper Lee.