Much emphasis is put on how to spend as much time if not more studying by themselves as being taught.
In a large number of cases factory workers earn as much, if not more, than their middle-class supervisors.
The beauty of the computer world is that experience matters as much as, if not more than your formal education.
As much as if not more so than women, fathers struggle to be taken seriously when they request flexible arrangements.
This essay conveys the idea that as important as teaching knowledge is, it is as important if not more important for teachers to possess other qualities.
We're as skeptical—if not more—than all of you.
But it's still as comprehensive as ever, if not more in terms of software development.
I have found that one learns as much, if not more, from errors as from working solutions.
The fact is, the Internet mirrors society as much as, if not more than, it liberates.
Learning to use it will be just as critical, if not more so, than learning how to write a class.
Learning from others, from the books, if not more important study, and that at least equally important.
To be successful, you must be willing to work just as hard-if not more so-when the spotlight is off.
So as we have been hearing in London, there's forty years of video games history, if not more possibly.
The chances of at least one if not more of the ratings agencies downgrading American debt are now quite good.
Sometimes the truth can be just as interesting, if not more so, than the conspiracies that people come up with.
The atmosphere created by physical and mental presence is as important as surface attraction, if not more so.
I must have installed and reinstalled the OS a dozen times if not more just to make it work, but never gave up on it.
‘That becomes less of a problem when they have a working partner who is often earning as much if not more than them.’
And that is at least as important, if not more important over time, as whatever military actions that we can take. Okay?
In an eight-hour day, I start to get that icky feeling if I haven't integrated at least once every couple of hours, if not more.
When I'm in love I like to cook for and fuss over my man and forget that I have as much if not more work to do than he does.
Like how most people derive as much (if not more) happiness from planning fun things than from the actual act of doing them.
Be careful, though, because editing another system's registry can be as dangerous as (if not more dangerous than) editing your own.
Our thoughts and beliefs are as much a part of us as our bodies are - if not more so! When we deny and repress them, what are we doing?
Being near the top of a Google search is as important, (if not more so in instances), than being listed in the Yellow Pages these days.
But what matters as much as, if not more than, daily concerns with food and fitness are the attitudes and mindsets that guide our lives.
You can have as much, if not more, impact by working within the system than by confronting it when it doesn't work the you want it to.
This simple action will help you realize that you are much more than your business, and that your personal life is equally important, if not more so.
The successful self-directed learner recognizes that learning is as much (if not more) about the process than the outcome and doesn't try to do too much too fast.
The successful self-directed learner recognizes that learning is as much (if not more) about the process than the outcome and doesn't try to do too much too fast.