But this creates a problem — what if an object in the older generation references a younger object, which is not reachable through any other chain of references from a root?
Also, if a target endpoint is not reachable by the mediator, then the mediator typically provides a durability service to help ensure the message is eventually delivered.
The Gateway does not route, it's a static link which only changes if the configured Dispatcher is not reachable.
If a pointer pointing to an object not in the graph, then the object is not a reachable object, and then garbage collector sets the slot to null in the short weak reference table.
If the responding nodes could not ensure that the network is connected, the other reachable nodes from the fault node are further triggered.
If a pointer pointing to an object not in the graph, then the object is not a reachable object, and then garbage collector sets the slot to null in the long weak reference table.
If a pointer pointing to an object not in the graph, then the object is not a reachable object, and then garbage collector sets the slot to null in the long weak reference table.