If realised, it could become London's second tallest building, after the Shard, and the tallest wooden structure in the world.
Parry realised that if you were setting out to create memorable poems, the Odyssey and the Iliad were exactly the kind of poems you'd create.
It is this that must change if the full potential of biomass crops is to be realised.
But then we realised that if you have been through the trouble of actually adding that book, why not we keep a list around of all the books you own?
At which point Joe realised that if people who manifestly shouldn't be buying and selling stocks were doing so then the market must be in a huge bubble.
Soon after coining the term “Asian brown cloud”, Dr Ramanathan realised there were similar if less intense clouds over parts of Africa and elsewhere;
When Hogan first realised this, he wondered if any experiment might be able to detect the holographic blurriness of space-time.
So if you want to take a bet on market turbulence, you would generally opt for the "realised" part of this swap.
Even if his worst electoral fears are realised, Mr Brown could make useful contributions in these fields, and others such as energy security, in the next 28 months.
If they are more exact, we have realised that - by Western standards - many people give their ages an extra year by counting themselves as one year old at the moment of birth.
If only we realised that most of our problems are behavioural in origin, not educational.
And later on talking to Chuck, we realised that if we had a cell phone component, if you could send an SMS into our service whenever you split a bill, you wouldn't even have to carry that book around.
But I also realised that there were holes in my knowledge base and if I was going to continue further, I'd do well to try to fill those holes.
But as we know, this profit can only be fully realised if workers proceed to buy all the consumer products they have produced.
But Mr Hubbard, forone, thinks things would be different if voters realised who actually pays thetax.
Yet if the resulting income gains prove elusive to wage and salary workers, that promise may not be realised.
They won't know all the details but they'll know if the idea isn't fully realised.
Anyway, if they had got that far before Ginny realised she'd forgotten it, she would surely have been told she'd have to manage without her diary and what a lot of trouble that would have saved!
Is it correct to say "I am" if I am no longer, if I don't actually exist? I tried to take stock of how I was feeling and realised it was just that what was missing.
If Alex had not realised there was a problem, he might act quickly to solve it.
In the first half we focused above all on holding them out, but during the break we discussed it and realised if we continued like that, Milan would score sooner or later.
Soon after coining the term "Asian brown cloud", Dr Ramanathan realised there were similar if less intense clouds over parts of Africa and elsewhere;
I couldn't help wondering if they realised I was a man.
If we have used our eyes and ears, we have already realised that sound takes time to travel through the air.
As this happened I suddenly realised my hatred of him was wrong. It only made me unhappy also. As I did this, it was as if a heavy load fell off my shoulders.
He told the Sunday Mirror: "I realised that as a family we had to move back to Europe if I was going to take such a big job."
He told the Sunday Mirror: "I realised that as a family we had to move back to Europe if I was going to take such a big job."