The World Health Organisation concurred, saying that if unchecked, swine flu could affect almost a third of the population – 2 billion people.
This damage causes them to grow into abnormal lumps or tumours and spread around the body disrupting its normal processes and eventually--if unchecked--causing death.
Klein lays particular emphasis on the fact that envy leads to psychic attacks on the goodness of the object, which if unchecked, lead to great difficulty in taking in and learning.
If left unchecked, weeds will flourish.
The plant will soon choke ponds and waterways if left unchecked.
If such practices are unchecked, half the species in the Coral triangle will continue to disappear at a rate of 1-2% a year.
For example, if the stock exchange system runs into a problem, the service might fail to obtain the quote with some kind of unchecked exceptions.
However, if our continuing abuse of resources continues at this rate unchecked, we can be anything but optimistic about our species' future.
Check boxes with large fonts won't help a visually impaired user if he can't tell whether the check box is checked or unchecked, because the size of its icon has remained unchanged.
If allowed to continue unchecked, this crisis could result in many deaths from associated illnesses such as cholera, respiratory diseases, diarrhoea, and malaria.
If the caller won't be able to handle the exception in a meaningful way, consider throwing an unchecked (run-time) exception.
If we do not reach a deal at this time, let us be in no doubt: once the damage from unchecked emissions growth is done, no retrospective global agreement in some future period can undo that choice.
The lack of reality within the superego, if left unchecked, would create perfectionists who would be unable to make compromises that life requires.
Connecting their purposes, however, needs to be their ultimate task if the world is to avoid the catastrophe of unchecked proliferation.
If the rate of "drastic decline" continued unchecked, the koala could vanish in 30 years, the group warned.
The compiler will simply emit an unchecked conversion warning, because it doesn't know if the cast is safe or not.
On one point there is no disagreement: America's debt burden is unsustainable and, if left unchecked, will bankrupt the nation.
Rapid and unchecked human population growth and the resulting increases in resource consumption lie at the heart of most, if not all, environmental problems.
Executives are only too willing to accept punishment to protect their companies even if they are not directly responsible; meanwhile, bad practices continue unchecked.
If the H5N1 virus changes to allow it to pass easily from person to person, and it goes unchecked, this could trigger an influenza pandemic.
If you leave this box unchecked, the wizard will prompt you to select a user account to own and start the default instance created.
They say if left unchecked, global warming could spur conflict and puts millions of people at risk drought, mudslides, food shortages and illness.
Microsoft has issued a patch to fix the bug, however if a single machine is infected in a large network, it will spread unchecked -- often reinfecting machines that have been disinfected.
If left unchecked heat trapping emission such as carbon dioxide, CO2, are projected to cause dangerous global warming that threatens our health and environment.
These are failures, failures as urgent as if a wheelbarrow of cash were burning unchecked in the parking lot of your building.
If you break down the problems that the country has or the world has, it's all based on unchecked corporate greed, "said Fraydus."
A: As we repeatedly stressed, if the situation on the Peninsula goes unchecked, the peoples on the two sides of the Peninsula will be the first to suffer.
A: As we repeatedly stressed, if the situation on the Peninsula goes unchecked, the peoples on the two sides of the Peninsula will be the first to suffer.