On the contrary, I will do my best to support you to realize your goal if we get married. Don't you think so?
If we get married, his account can be transferred to Shijiazhuang, but my account in the collective family unit, he and I can not go together ah?
I discovered while I was pregnant that if I died, the father of my child wouldn't get my pension if we weren't married.
If we try to get you married, we can't go and tell people, people will ask what is that.
Seeing me nod my head, he felt very pleased and said to me in a low but happy voice, "If you like, we can get married in an Irish way!"
I explained to her that it really didn't matter and that if she wanted to, we could get married.
If we love someone to marry him to write music, may soon get married, it also says no ah!
If we do get married it will be when we feel the need to get married, and no time sooner.
Hence, if there are ways to get married with a girl who don't care too much about the material life, why don't we choose it?
If some people buy a dog, or get married because of an oncoming rush of emotion, then it's entirely logical to assume that we make many other decisions based on our emotions as well.
如果某些人买狗,或是结婚都是因为心血来潮(an oncomingrush of emotion),那么我们基于情绪做出很多其它决定的假设也是完全合乎逻辑的。
You were upset and said if Im not sure about our relationship, we probably not get married.
If three years later, we have the chance to meet, I would like to say to you the first sentence: you get married?
About myself, I need to get the difficult things out of the way to have a complete truthful and honest relationship with you if we go ahead. I am married 35 years next month.
If we end this way I accept I do not want to love I will accept family arrangement, to find a girl to get married.
If we end this way I accept I do not want to love I will accept family arrangement, to find a girl to get married.