Is it possible for you to use different UDP ports? If yes then that can also be plus point.
你是否有可能使用不同的UD P端口?如果是的话也可以加点。
If yes then make sure that when you are purchasing your AKC Cavalier Spaniel it is truly an AKC registered dog with a seal.
If yes then are there service providers that would do this for free if I am a noneprofit enduser just trying to automate his own home?
If you answered yes to one or more of the above, then you need to think about how you handle the matter of time in your application.
If people always exchange true personal information online then yes, these friendships can be real and meaningful.
If the answer was yes to all of that then I would recommend something like Listing 6.
If you answer yes to either question, then it's time to get legally binding plans set in place.
If I can answer “yes” to these five questions, then it’s okay to play Starcraft II or Carcassonne.
If you answered yes to most of these questions for one of your contenders, then you found a winner. This is definitely something you want to do.
If, like me, you answered yes, then you've taken the first step to becoming your best self.
Robbie Turner: Yes but, if all we have, rests on a few moments in a library three and a half years ago then I am not sure, I dont know...
If you want to look like a fitness model all year round then yes, you do need to live in the gym.
If the answer to the first question is yes, the interceptor is trusted and is then asked to provide the user name of the authentic user that issued the request.
If social networking were changing our brains' wiring, then, yes, maybe we would one day live in some utopian world where technology connected everyone in a meaningful friendship.
If I need to apologize, then yes, it's spam, and I'll get the brand-hurt I deserve.
If yes, then the default values are used.
If the answer is "yes", then you might be writing business logic that belongs behind a facade.
If the answer to both questions is yes, then companies are well advised to go into collective overdrive;
Yes sure, for all we know in a sense that could happen but if they are the same object in fact then whatever happens to one of them must happen to the other.
If the answer to the previous question is yes, I can then reasonably infer to a conclusion that all the theory of "invisible hand" by Adam Smith must be wrong.
If you want to go then say \ \ \ "Yes, I would love to attend and I look forward to it \ \ \" or something along those lines.
Yes, dear, you would have. I would, if I'd been the same person then as I am now. Or perhaps I would - I'm not certain.
If you've answered yes to any of these questions then I'd wager a guess that the relationship you are examining isn't that meaningful as it stands right now, there are too many conditions.
Yes. Love is a concept that we construct and then try to fix it to experience. And if you didn't have the concept you might never have that kind of experience.
"If my boyfriend asked me now, then I would still say 'yes', but I wouldn't waste my money for a high-profile wedding," Jenny Brown, an employee works in London's central financial district.
If yes, then you may be looking for the right software or tool to assist in automating the processes.
If yes, then you may be looking for the right software or tool to assist in automating the processes.