If you can do it, it makes a lot of sense, doesn't it?
If you can do it all over, I will not be so headstrong, makes you angry!
PLS check below email for Circular Saw Blades, if you can do it, PLS advise.
And it's a very tricky path to do it. But if you can do it, it works really, really well.
Your goal is to find out if you can do it well and happily, not to get the job at all costs.
你要弄清自己做这份工作时,会不会开心,能不能做好, 而不是想方设法获得这份工作。
If you can do it immediately——if you make a mistake and you can correct it immediately, do so.
如果意识到自己说错了, 在自己能力范围内可以修改的话,就立即做修改。
I usually won't look for his help, because my idea is that if you can do it, they don't bother others.
And if you can do it consistently, through will power at first, then you will build the habit and the habit will cause you to succeed.
Writing these scripts has been quite an eye-opener for me. It proves that you can do anything if the need is urgent.
I can promise you one thing: whatever you choose to do for a career, if you work hard at it, eventually special things will happen.
You can use me as a last resort, and if nobody else volunteers, then I will do it.
You can thaw out the seafood before cooking it, but if you do this, make sure you cook it as quick as you can.
It starts with information on what the user can do if he or she feels you have violated this privacy policy.
But it's not a race, it's really just for fun and the best thing would be to take it easy the first few times you do it and then see if you can gradually improve your time.
If you do so, you should register it so that other developers can write components to communicate with yours.
If you do so and can get through the exercise without being pulled in another direction, make it a habit.
I can do it more slowly if you like.
I can show you how to do it if necessary.
She thinks that if you believe you can do something, you should go for it.
If you do it too often, you can transform in the eyes of others from a confident joker to a Chihuahua dog.
If you say, "I can't do it" and give up, you can never do anything valuable.
No matter what you do, you can only succeed if you love what you're doing and pay enough attention to it.
If you do it every day, it will only take a few minutes and you can start each new day with a clean and tidy desk.
If you can start the conversation with a question other than "What do you do for a living?", you'll be able to get a lot more interesting conversation out of whomever it is you're talking to.
If you know at the beginning what the system needs to do and how it needs to do it, you can do most (if not all) your design up front.
A woman can like everything about you, but if you do these things (or even ONE of these things), it can DESTROY your chances of success with a particular woman.
If the recognition is so important, you can do it in the name of Hanna Schmitz.
"I do think if you can do this work in Houston, then you can do it anywhere, " Spanjian says.
"I do think if you can do this work in Houston, then you can do it anywhere, " Spanjian says.