You can torture me afterward, if you like, but tell me now, tell me one thing... was it good or bad?
While Augustine preaches, Rousseau ponders, and Vidal excoriates, Jarman makes me feel like he's saying, between the lines, Come on in, sit down, I'll tell you my story if you'll tell me yours.
If I have to tell you what I like it feels like you don't even know me or you don't care.
If you are a salesperson, tell yourself, I am an effective salesperson. I am one of the best in my branch. Customers like and trust me.
When I buy chicken and you ask me if I'd like it in a plastic bag, and I tell you no, please do not look at me as if I'm disgusting.
If anyone would like to reach any wheelchair bodybuilder or if you know a disabled person let them know of this site or tell them to contact me about any comments.
If you like the software - please consider making a donation. If you don't like it - please tell me why!
Listen, Carl, I'm on tenterhooks. You can torture me afterward, if you like, but tell me now, tell me one thing… was it good or bad?
Todd: Yes. I like Carmen very much. But I don't mind if you want to tell me about this one.
James: I know. Maybe if I talk about it, share my feelings like you always tell me to, I'll feel better.
Remember to tell me of like comrade, if you encountered frustration. because we has a same ideal, of encourage each other, of marching all together.
Would you like to tell me if you've received our October shipment?
If you don't like my company. just tell me. you don't have to pawn me off on your friends.
But, I do not like to be cheat, if you have already been in love with the other people, please tell me, do not say that you can't love again, because of, false words, let me feel sad.
If I tell you I can speak Cantonese, but I speak Cantonese like people who speak Jiangxinese or Shanghainese, you're gonna laugh at me.
I'm trying to read English novel recently and would like to mark down some English grammar. If you find out any mistakes, please feel free to tell me.
Your behaviour has so terrible in this month, like nightmares. How could I change it if you don't even tell me.
If you love me, no matter how my parents question to you, and you are to give them must smile, tell them you can, do not doubt, you love them like me.
Hello, do you have your own MSN? Please tell me if you have it, ok? I like your program very much.
If I love you I'll tell my parents, yes, the following road is the blind side, but he love me, love my mom like dad, a lifetime that won't change.
I'll tell you all about the Roosevelt riot if you tell me something honest about yourself. like, uh. this brother you're road-tripping with. How do you feel about him?
If you don't like me please tell me, ignored me is make me feel uncomfortable.
If you're expelled because of this row, don't expect me to find another school like this. I can tell you, that would be harder than climbing up to heaven.
If you ask me why you like to eat jelly, I will tell you a story!
If you ask me why you like to eat jelly, I will tell you a story!