If you look at it overall, the aid saved at least 100 million lives.
If you look at it as an asset, you can donate it, spend it, or waste it.
A gap of the cup, if you look at it from another Angle, it is still round.
If you look at it purely from an engineering standpoint and technical hurdles, yes.
There is a beauty even in desolation if you look at it with eyes that can see the beauty.
If you look at it, some teams have already played some teams twice and others not at all.
In so many ways, if you look at it through the field plasma, you find your way to the cosmos.
However, if you look at it from the perspective of the soul, this kind of judgment becomes obsolete.
Even if what's happening to you is a real struggle, it can seem better if you look at it positively.
Well, you know if you look at it from an individual level and you’re a saver, who wants a weak dollar?
If you look at it in a different way, that imperfection is what makes you who you are, you already are perfect.
Actually the same is true for the other one. If you look at it this it's a contradiction so its necessarily false.
We had everything to be champions, but if you look at it, every time we played to go top of the league, we never did.
The sky is often very colourful, if you look at it every day it can produce amazing and complex ranges of different colours.
It will decay. If you look at it, it looks perfectly stable, there's nothing happening... there's nothing happening... and then, boom!
"Of course if you look at it from the point of view of the crowd, " said Sasha, "then this exquisitely artistic work may appear in a certain light.
If you look at it truthfully, then you will arrive at a science what works best between neighbors rather than trying to weave a philosophy around it.
After I heard him say it, I started to think the character was pretty cool-looking; if you look at it in the right way, it kind of looks like a sword sitting on a bomber jet.
If you look at it from a business point of view, it could only do your market harm and lower your share price to find out that you could actually cure people with antibiotics.
If someone makes a statement that you think is wrong, it's better to point it out by saying, "I thought otherwise but I might be wrong, let's look at the facts."
If you take one of those individual grains of sodium chloride and look at it carefully, you will see the edges like this.
Now, if you look at the brain—if you took the brain out and held it up, it would look pretty symmetrical, but it actually is not.
If cats look and blink at you slowly, it shows their love to you.
If you do need to check your phones, stop and look at it quickly.
Even if you don't get the job look at it as getting closer to the goal.
Rote memorization is based on the theory that if you look at information enough times it will magically be stored inside your head.
Rote memorization is based on the theory that if you look at information enough times it will magically be stored inside your head.