Many airlines and hotels will offer you a lower rate if the price for your trip falls after you've booked it.
And if Amazon or whatever stock you buy isn't trading at or above the strike price when the options expire, you'll still own the shares, but at a lower cost than if you had just bought them outright.
Invisible Hand: Does a quick price check and lets you know if the product you are looking at is available at a lower price elsewhere.
If you wait until the next day, you pay a lower price but you don't get the dividend.
Well, the best I can do is to lower the price by 5 percent if you are willing to pay 90% cash of front and 10% on delivery.
David: Would it be possible for you to lower the price a little if we ordered a thousand speakers?
If you don't accept a lower profit, you'll price yourself right out of the market.
Since the present market is so weak, you have to lower your price if you want us to increase sales.
If you start registering lots of domains get yourself a domain reseller account to lower the price per domain.
Why not let the world's largest real estate sales organization help you if you want to Buy a good commodity house at a lower price?
If the current price goes lower than the previous bar, then a red line will light up to alert you.
Should we were on a promotional activity of special room rates, if the on sale price was lower than the price in our signed agreement, you also could enjoy this preferential price.
If you are able to buy XYZ at a lower price than you sold it for, your profit is the difference between the two prices - not counting commission and taxes.
如果可以以低于卖出价格的价格购入XY Z股票,即可从两个价格之间的差额获得利润(不考虑佣金和税费的支出)。
Since the present market is so weak, you have to lower your price if you want us to increase sales.
因为最 近的市场不景气,所以如果你想增加销量的话最好降低价格。
Since the present market is so weak, you have to lower your price if you want us to increase sales.
因为最 近的市场不景气,所以如果你想增加销量的话最好降低价格。