16 can not ignore me, even if I love you and you do not love me.
I think he’s going to ignore me, but thenhe answers by holding out his hands.
I really want to be with you, even if you ignore me, I am still willing.
Somehow, I think I'll stick to my old method and let my kids continue to ignore me.
There are other kids who ignore me because of the kind of situation that I'm in.
If they didn't count on me they would just ignore me but they care a lot about me.
I hoped that he would simply ignore me when he came, and prove my suspicions false.
Try it. If you try this for one week and don't see business results, then ignore me.
DOREEN: Henry! Don't you ignore me! You get right back up here right this minute! Henry.
I love you, I really don't want to lose you this way. Don't ignore me any more, all right?
I did not know that whether I make or not is wrong what, but you ignore me, I can't accept.
Thank you… you made my mind up for me. When you started to ignore me. Do you see a single tear.
谢谢……你可以使我的开始考虑自己。当你开始忽略我时。 那看见一颗孤独的眼泪了吗?
Still, I'd like to try, with your permission. I'll send a letter a week. They can't ignore me forever.
Oh and for the record I'd rather a waiter say, "Have a nice day" and not mean it, than ignore me and mean it.
Oh and for the record I'd rather a waiter say, “Have a nice day” and not mean it, than ignore me and mean it.
I just wondered... if you could warn me beforehand the next time you decide to ignore me for my own good.
I would demand that he help me with the housework; he'd sit on the couch like a spoiled child and ignore me.
Before me is not good. I overreacted. Because i think u to ignore me, still have long ignored, but u didn't find.
This ad from Unicef shows just how marginalized impoverished children can be. The caption says "Don't Ignore Me. ""
If I'm honest, I'm a little taken aback how you all but ignore me for two years then email me only when you need something.
You ignore me at the moment, I am with countless tears irreparable end, this is my first time to a man and wept bitterly.
I guess the first person to enter the tomb would easily be poisoned by the mercury in there. (Ignore me. I know nothing about this.)
Never willing to let you see my sorrow, but hopefully can cause you attention, please don't ignore me, because I ignore me, fear and grief.
Why should such a god to me, if god because I treason Since then ignore me, not a blessing to me, then I might not be so heart of the guilty.
The same clerks who had been so helpful before would either ignore me or treat me with fear and suspicion, following me around as if convinced I was there to steal something.
I do not deserve you, so good to me … maybe I will let you have mixed feelings about, you obviously can not ignore me, but why you should take the initiative to come to see me?
I do not deserve you, so good to me … maybe I will let you have mixed feelings about, you obviously can not ignore me, but why you should take the initiative to come to see me?