The Morgans, Warburgs, and their ilk amassed fortunes that gave them tremendous political power.
Where others of his ilk have battled against drugs, Gabriel's problems have centred on his marriage.
Yet Sharif and its ilk continue to thrive.
They directly influenced Slayer and bands of that ilk.
iPads and their ilk may yet turninto a practical alternative to textbooks.
A larcenous tendency restricted to shady operators and others of that ilk.
As we once said it will be a "triple bad day" for Rockefeller and his ilk.
Faced with Numbers like that, what hope do the Vatican and its ilk really have?
Goldman Sachs 'office in Beijing refused to comment on the book and on others of its ilk.
Results in normal kidney tissues, ILK was mainly located in the glomerular visceral epithelial cells.
He was delighted in seeing us and the boxes of donations, filled with clothes, backpacks, and the ilk.
The results suggested that ILK might be involved in fibrotic process or senescent process in aging kidney.
This one and others of its ilk help us to recover from our errors or those committed by our digital devices.
"Give bankers of any ilk an inch and they will take a mile," said Simon Maughan, analyst at MF Global in London.
And here is a little secret: If you can learn to utilize words of this ilk, you doubtless are pretty sharp to begin with.
I had used to go into Howsbay twice a year, to trade my inks and dyes for fabric for clothing and POTS and things of that ilk.
At least, unlike Paris Hilton and her ilk, the Dumb Blonde of '50s cinema had a firm grasp on one thing: It was cool to be smart.
What your correspondent does not like about the Samsung tablet, nor the rest of its ilk, is the lack of a slide-out qwerty keyboard.
Rosenfeld, and their ilk do not fit the standard image of a hacker: the wealthy, suburban geek who trespasses on computers just for fun.
I know that Microsoft excel and its ilk can be intimidating, but I've found that an hour playing with Numbers can yield excellent results.
Or if you prefer to shun club cards and their ilk, you can always spare him something else when your friendly cashier begins the sales pitch.
However, Keidanren, the lobby for big business, opposes deregulation on the ground that TEPCO and its ilk ensure a stable supply of electricity.
Unfortunately for global warming proponents, Mother Nature has simply refused to comply with what Al Gore and his countless ilk described as fact.
Of course, a segment of the population, particularly those whose computers seized up last week, have complicated feelings toward Mr. Gates and his ilk.
The ability to download reading habits automatically into the house controller and therefore alert the reader of articles of similar ilk is seen as marginal.
A place where Madonna once threw her tag around (and indeed many of her ilk), the Lower East Side was always, and continues to be a hotbed of creative activity.
Westerners in mind the wisdom of people, none other than Aristotle, Newton, Edison, Einstein, Hawking, and his ilk, are theorists, inventors, and create at home.
NASA and its ilk have, after all, long been looking into what happens to people who, like astronauts, are enclosed in a confined space for prolonged periods of time.
NASA and its ilk have, after all, long been looking into what happens to people who, like astronauts, are enclosed in a confined space for prolonged periods of time.