In an overview of 150 studies on this topic, researchers put it like this: "Inductions of well-being lead to healthy functioning, and inductions of ill-being lead to compromised health.
When ill-being takes control of the person, symptoms appear.
Indeed, there is much concern generally about gamers' health and whether, for example, a lack of light is contributing to their alleged ill-being.
What's "striking and paradoxical" about this research, he says, is that it shows that reaching materialistic and image-related milestones actually contributes to ill-being;
"Colin says I'm making him forget about being ill and dying," answered Mary.
But most of its patients are too ill to stand. They have spent their life's savings for a chance of a cure, but most die within weeks of being admitted.
He is being treated quite well but we don't know when he can come home because they don't know if anyone else will be taken ill over there.
But you've made yourself ill by crying and being in a passion.' `I didn't do it at all,' said his cousin.
To begin with, that any glib answer to the question misses the core of the experience – the complex dialectic of being ill, which is a social as well as physical condition.
Its President, Masataka Shimizu, is being lambasted for falling ill (some say going AWOL) during the emergency; the company has yet to explain his absence.
After being ill with a cold for some time, Lockwood decides that he has had enough of the moors and travels to Wuthering Heights to inform Heathcliff that he is returning to the south.
Perhaps he or she is being quietbecause someone in his or her family is ill, or is having personalproblems.
Acts of helping the ill spouse were defined as' active, 'such as assisting with feeding, bathing, dressing, or other physical activities, or' passive, 'such as being present in case of emergency.
And, Nelly, say to Edgar, if you see him again tonight, that I'm in danger of being seriously ill. I wish it may prove true.
In fact, the ill acceptance of that result kind of led to the tombstone being erected when it did.
In traditional lands, where men expect to be breadwinners, many suffer the trauma of being jobless or doing hard, ill-paid work.
In Mexico, the Foreign Minister has criticized China, where the virus has also been reported, for imposing travel restrictions on Mexicans who showed no sign of being ill.
At the LEAP Institute, they teach mental-health professionals and family members how to build enough trust with the mentally ill person that he will follow advice even if he won't admit to being sick.
Delays in diagnosis can lead to patients being ill for longer.
I enjoy being the person at a press conference who asks an obvious question that other reporters are too embarrassed to ask, for fear of seeming ill-informed.
The fact that the octogenarian was never extradited, being allowed to return to Chile instead because of ill health, did not matter. A taboo had been broken.
We are so unfortunate that we can only take pleasure in a thing on condition of being annoyed if it turn out ill, as a thousand things can do, and do every hour.
"In comments from people, the thing they mentioned most referred to disagreements with a travel partner or being ill," Mr. Nawijn said.
The project reduced TB-associated deaths by 770,000, and prevented 20 million people from being infected by TB and 2 million people from falling ill.
It is the same old story of not being grateful for what we have until we lose it, of not beingconscious of health until we are ill.
Being far too ill to remain in the common prison, he was removed, after the first day or so, into the infirmary.
Using a different hand to greet people and to eat reduces the chance of those bacteria being transferred to your mouth, making you ill.
Using a different hand to greet people and to eat reduces the chance of those bacteria being transferred to your mouth, making you ill.