The Beijing to London handover shows how ill equipped we are to deal with an event of this scale.
Still another stole food and uniforms, leaving his soldiers underfed and ill equipped for the winter.
This means that if we expect to gain happiness only from pleasure, we are ill equipped to deal with suffering.
At worst, some Banks may fail-and trigger real bank runs in countries whose shaky public finances have left them ill equipped to prop up their financial institutions.
But supermarkets need uniform quality, minimum large quantities and high standards of hygiene, which the average smallholder in a poor country is ill equipped to provide.
The immediately obvious explanation is that these are macro-economic principles, and that I, as a micro-economist, am ill equipped to understand them, let alone translate them.
Experience in recent disaster assistance programmes in Kosovo and Afghanistan illustrates how ill equipped the aid community is to deal with cold weather affecting transitional settlements.
When they eventually leave the school they will be totally ill-equipped to deal with the real world.
Consumer protection groups and parents believe that children are largely ill-equipped to recognize such techniques and that often exaggeration is used at the expense of product information.
She said social media firms were exposing children to major emotional risks, with some youngsters starting secondary school ill-equipped to cope with the tremendous pressure they faced online.
Teachers also consistently report how ill-equipped they feel to meet pupils' mental health needs, and often cite a lack of training, expertise and support from the National Health Service.
There's a danger they're ill-equipped to think through potential unintended consequences.
To make matters worse, these schools are ill-equipped to graduate these students—young adults who face specific challenges and obstacles.
They were psychologically vulnerable and hence ill-equipped to either resist this fellow's predations or to deal with them emotionally after they had occurred.
They do not ask the right questions to gauge project progress, and they are ill-equipped to provide appropriate management guidance.
The second theory reinforces the first, by combining the pressure for ever greater success with the selection of bosses ill-equipped to handle it.
关于这句我的看法:第二条理论是对第一条的补充。 除了面临不断进步带来的压力,选择了不适当的经营者是另一个原因。
In both films, human colonists and strange aliens clash on a distant planet; in both films, technology proves ill-equipped to defeat the natural world.
Their armed forces were an ill-equipped, untrained and sometimes disreputable lot.
Others argue that climate change was more to blame, leaving a species adapted for frozen climes ill-equipped to cope with a warming world.
Ill-equipped to evaluate these claims, the reader suspects they are at least partially untrue.
Despite all the glory that surrounded J.R.D., when he retired in 1991, Tata was a group of companies ill-equipped to deal with the changes about to sweep through India.
Food, shelter and preventing the spread of water-borne diseases are the priorities for a country ill-equipped to deal with such an event.
More worrying, the jobs scheme gives its workers no skills or training, leaving them as unproductive and ill-equipped for other work as before.
The newly nationalised oil industry kept the structure of the old, and production was limited to try to moderate the flood of money into a country ill-equipped to handle it.
Timber concessionaires at least have an incentive (and probably the wherewithal) to look after their property, while ill-paid and ill-equipped forestry officials often have neither.
Many want to point fingers at media, society, movies, and 9 ill-equipped parents.
Many want to point fingers at media, society, movies, and 9)ill-equipped parents.
Many want to point fingers at media, society, movies, and 9)ill-equipped parents.