But many leaders have invested their ill-gotten gains in several different countries.
Ill-gotten gains never prosper.
We wish to know whether the blameworthy will be punished (or at the least have to return their ill-gotten gains).
Why, they ask, should the thugs round Mr Mugabe behave any differently next time, especially when their own ill-gotten gains are at stake?
Shadow economy does not mean ill-gotten gains here, but legal economic activity that is not taxed.
But it's my ill-gotten property gains that have been the fuel to fire my fantasies.
Are we destined to become a society of plutocrats, ensnared by the lure of filthy lucre even as we hold our noses at the stench of ill-gotten gains?
The deal with BP legitimises the Kremlin's carve-up of Yukos, and converts a portion of its ill-gotten gains into something liquid and secure-bp shares.
与英石油达成的交易使得克里姆林宫对尤科斯公司的资产分赃合法化了,同时把这些“赃物”转换成了一些流动性资产和有保障资产- - - - -比如英石油的股份。
The bank robbers went to Brazil to live on their ill-gotten gains.
You will devote their ill-gotten gains to the Lord, their wealth to the Lord of all the earth.
He escaped to South America with his ill-gotten gains.
Predatory lenders and crooked mortgage lenders walked away with millions in ill-gotten gains.
Two people all day idle, worthless, linger in the casino to get ill-gotten gains, but they will lose all the poor family.
The motivation for the murders was primarily witness elimination. Reid's purpose in committing the robberies was financial gain, and some of the ill-gotten gains were used to purchase a car.
They go and worship idols because of their fear that their ill-gotten gains will be taken away sooner or later.
ill-gotten gains 非法所得。他们求神拜佛因为他们害怕他们的那些不义之财会迟早被缴获。
They go and worship idols because of their fear that their ill-gotten gains will be taken away sooner or later.
ill-gotten gains 非法所得。他们求神拜佛因为他们害怕他们的那些不义之财会迟早被缴获。