I defy any one to assign an incident wherein reason will not direct us what we are to say or do in company, if we are not misled by pride or ill nature.
Walter resigns from 3M and moves into nature conservation working for a minerals magnate who wants to turn some of his ill-earned millions into saving a small woodland bird, the Cerulean warbler.
That work, by a group of researchers at the Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL) and published in a paper in Nature, used slow-moving neutrons falling due to gravity.
The major themes of the modernist literature are the distorted alienated and ill relationships between man and nature man and society man and man and man and himself.
Farm animals raised for slaughter are not going to be ascended by nature, and will therefore become increasingly ill the further the global temperature rises.
Such is human nature that many people would not be grateful for what they have until they lose it and likewise, they would not be conscious of the value of health until they are ill.
For good or for ill, life and nature are governed by laws that we can't change.
Aries will upset your nervous nature, the conclusion being ill fated and certainly not lasting. The Ram just won't put up with your put-downs.
And if any man should do wrong, merely out of ill-nature, why, yet it is but like the thorn or briar, which prick and scratch, because they can do no other.
However, due to the ill-posed nature of the super-resolution image reconstruction, the ringing artifacts can not be easily removed in the reconstruction process.
But her old-fashioned ways and trusting nature are an ill fit with the increasingly impersonalized world.
The plethora of so many descriptive terms may reflect the ill-defined nature of any putative clinical syndrome of age-specific relative androgen deficiency.
我的解释为“如此多的术语表述恰是反映了(外界)普遍对于此年龄特异雄激素相对缺乏症临床症状的错误理解。” 不知各位有高明的见解么?
When a person becomes ill practitioners attempt to determine the exact nature of the imbalance and then correct it through the use of herbal remedies, acupuncture, diet and lifestyle changes.
Thee study in Sweden shows that more access to nature makes children less likely to fall ill.
Cause there is no reason for my lingering another minute, if you persist in your stubborn ill-nature!
One paramedic said: 'The 999 situation that raises the adrenaline the most is probably being called to a seriously ill child. It's human nature.
One paramedic said: 'The 999 situation that raises the adrenaline the most is probably being called to a seriously ill child. It's human nature.