Critics say this amounts to a backdoor amnesty for illegal aliens.
There's been a major clamp down on illegal aliens marrying for residency status.
He lambasted his white opponent, Bob Corker, for allegedly employing illegal aliens.
Obama will probably sell our aircraft carriers to China to raise money for Illegal aliens to go to college in California.
Hostility towards Mexicans spread to the United States where talkshows referred to "fajita flu" and "infected illegal aliens", injecting fresh rancour into the immigration debate.
对墨西哥人的敌意也开始在美国扩散。 一些脱口秀用到“法士达流感”(译者:法士达,即墨西哥肉卷,在此带有一定侮辱性)和“被感染的非法移民”等称呼。
With a multiple entry visa, no one needs to stay in America as illegal aliens, and the US visa department will not need to reject them based on their possible intent of not leaving the USA.
I researched topics from pharmaceutical dumping in underdeveloped countries to the health practices of illegal Mexican aliens in the United States.
I researched topics from pharmaceutical dumping in underdeveloped countries to the health practices of illegal Mexican aliens in the United States.