As for the drawbacks of illegal immigration, these, too, are concentrated.
At the heart of the debate over illegal immigration lies one key question: are immigrants good or bad for the economy?
But the backlash against illegal immigration has been so severe among voters in Republican primaries that it will be a brave senator who touches the subject.
China has been cooperating with the US and other countries to combat illegal immigration that undermines the normal order of entry and exit among countries.
Australian immigration has moved from family immigration to more of a skills based immigration. Unlike us, they don't face massive levels of illegal immigration.
The Command & Control Center will be located in Constanza and will provide alerts about possible threats, including drug trafficking, illegal immigration, and smuggling.
All this adds up to slight tinkering, rather than the kind of retreat from multiculturalism seen in parts of Europe, or America's harder line against illegal immigration.
The contracting parties shall conduct cooperation to crack down on illegal immigration, including the crack down on illegal transportation of natural persons via its territory.
With all of the recent news about cracking down on illegal immigration, I wondered what the laws were about undocumented immigrants buying homes here in the United States.
Mr Anchia himself represents a district that includes part of Dallas and a swathe of prosperous suburbs, including some where there have been nasty rows about illegal immigration.
A history of conflict and a present bedevilled by recession, drug-trafficking and illegal immigration should be reason enough to make relations across the Rio Grande decidedly fraught.
If we really want to get a handle on illegal immigration, we are going to have to reduce future levels of legal immigration so that over time, the social networks will become attenuated.
Unfortunately, the senators' plan ignores the economics of illegal immigration. Its laws of motion are set out in a recent paper* by Gordon Hanson of the University of California, San Diego.
They would toughen policies against illegal immigration - for example, making sure those caught are expelled while basing legal immigration criteria on the needs of individual European Union states.
China is willing to join hands with our neighboring countries and countries concerned to fight against illegal immigration crimes and safeguard security and stability of all countries and the region.
The consensus among most economists is that immigration, both legal and illegal, provides a small net boost to the economy.
It would require all non-US citizens to carry documents proving their immigration status, and would require police to check those papers in any contact with anyone who might be illegal.
Argentina has lifted most restrictions on immigration from South America, again guaranteeing access to public health and education, even for illegal migrants.
Hostility towards Mexicans spread to the United States where talkshows referred to "fajita flu" and "infected illegal aliens", injecting fresh rancour into the immigration debate.
对墨西哥人的敌意也开始在美国扩散。 一些脱口秀用到“法士达流感”(译者:法士达,即墨西哥肉卷,在此带有一定侮辱性)和“被感染的非法移民”等称呼。
This law makes it illegal to rent out an apartment or house without first verifying the immigration status of potential tenants.
Immigration officials in southern Thailand have detained more than 60 Tamils from Sri Lanka, who are suspected of being illegal migrants heading for the West, possibly to Canada.
Passions fly on immigration, but I don't know anyone who benefits when a mother is separated from her infant child or an employer undercuts American wages by hiring illegal workers.
Greece has found itself on the sharp end of Europe's illegal-immigration problem largely because its "competitors" have found ways of stemming the flow.
The website of UK Visas and Immigration also listed pirated copies of movies and music as illegal because they infringe upon intellectual property rights.
There are a number of provisions that say if you come in illegally you basically close the door on future immigration. An illegal entry is something that is very difficult to overcome.
The law compels local police during a lawful stop, detention or arrest to check the immigration status of people they reasonably suspect are illegal immigrants.
The law compels local police during a lawful stop, detention or arrest to check the immigration status of people they reasonably suspect are illegal immigrants.