This has played an important role in effectively reducing illicit trafficking of SALW, and enhancing regional peace and stability.
Illicit trafficking of radioactive materials will result in serious threaten to society in the case of nuclear and radiological terrorism.
Illicit trafficking of nuclear materials and other radioactive materials will result in serious threaten to society in the case of nuclear and radiological terrorism.
This is mainly due to concerns about the drugs' illicit use and trafficking, and a lack of training among medical personnel on how to administer them.
We put lie to our commitments to combat illicit arms trafficking when we move weapons into a situation that is clearly headed for greater violence.The U.
The intersection of rich foreigner frantic for a kidney, cornea or liver and poor local desperate to make money has spawned an illicit organ-trafficking industry, from India to Brazil.
But the supply side is only half of the equation. Unless we reduce demand for illicit drugs, we can never fully tackle cultivation, production or trafficking.
Recognize the need for cooperation among States to effectively prevent and respond to incidents of illicit nuclear trafficking;
Recognize the need for cooperation among States to effectively prevent and respond to incidents of illicit nuclear trafficking;