At the last second, I also tried out the image in black and white which brings with it a whole new set of readings and hierarchies.
You see, the first "videophones"—that's what they're called—were made in Japan, but they can only show a still black and white image, so this videophone is much better than that.
I used classical techniques, translated from my college days spent in the darkroom into Photoshop, to achieve the black-and-white image.
我将读大学时在暗房中学到的经典技术应用到 Photoshop,获得了黑白的图像。
An old black-and-white photograph of the sensitive technology - perhaps the only image of its kind in existence publicly - shows an array of pipes and low cabinets about the size of a small truck.
The stars show up white and the space around the black hole is blue in this color-coded infrared image.
At the top of the article, she saw a peppery black-and-white image of him, which Carmen Elcira tore out and put in her green satin change purse.
It is unknown who created and distributed the image, which some believe has racial overtones because it shows Mr Obama as a black-and-white minstrel in reverse.
The color display can change to a black-and-white image so users are able to see it even in bright sunlight.
In the US, the image featured three employees sitting around a meeting table - one white woman, and two men, one black and one Asian.
Image above: the entire bathroom has a stark black-and-white color palette, so texture and graphics play a really big part in keeping the space interesting.
A black and white image, taken in visible light with the wide-angle camera, is used to fill in parts of the Mosaic.
There’s little or no need to shoot digital photos in black-and-white when color images can easily be converted to black-and-white in Photo shop or a similar image editor.
In fact, I couldn't find an example of a group 4 fax compressed black-and-white image that would display using that program.
Different people see this image either as white and gold or as blue and black, this will doubtlessly result in some interesting research and new information on how we see.
You can solve black-and-white or colored puzzles or hide your own image in the puzzle for others to solve.
Yellow autumn leaves and black-and-white ancient architectures create a poetic image in Tachuan village, Huangshan city, Anhui province.
Some historical figures' image is almost entirely monochromatic, black and white, in other words.
A pixel contains the image information for a single point in the image, and has a discrete value between 0 (black) and 255 (white).
In Their Eyes Were Watching God, Zora Neale Hurston depicts different types of black image within the white world and implies the possible way out for the black people.
Mystery man dressed in white shirt and black trousers, see clothes is high-grade fastidious, image temperament.
There are large number of fading, mildewing, turning yellow black-and-white photographs in museums and archives, which seriously influence the value of image preservation and historical signification.
There are two kinds of laser states in laser marking system, laser-open and laser-close that correspond to black and white in one image.
Super Twist display which USES a retardation film to correct the color shift in STN displays, and so produces a black and white image.
In this paper, we analyses the relation between the density of black-white film and the color of a pseudocolor image as the results of our experiments.
Using black and white can not only show all feature of image but also be in favor of doing more processing by computer.
Sharp name for film compensated Super Twist display which USES a retardation film to correct the color shift in STN displays, and so produces a black and white image.
Converting a black and white image can be done in Photoshop using the Nvidia Photoshop plugin, this allows you to paint a black and white image and encode it into a normal map.
Converting a black and white image can be done in Photoshop using the Nvidia Photoshop plugin, this allows you to paint a black and white image and encode it into a normal map.